/ İspanyolca → Rusça / Issued
Issued Çeviri Rusça
4 parallel translation
Recibió el reporte.
Он издал приказ. He got the report. He issued an order.
¿ Los que aprobaron el uso del Agente Naranja, eran criminales?
... soldiers and civilians exposed to it. Были-ли те, кто издал одобрение на использование "оранжевого агента" - преступниками? Were those who issued the approval to use Agent Orange criminals?
"Los seres humanos deben dejar de matar a otros seres humanos".
His wife issued a very moving statement : "Люди должны перестать убивать других людей." "Human beings must stop killing other human beings."
La orden está cursada, así que podéis empezar.
The warrant is issued, so you can start.