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Translate.vc / İspanyolca → Rusça / Obvious

Obvious Çeviri Rusça

10 parallel translation
Creo que las razones son obvias.
I put down : coal miner. I think the reasons are obvious to you.
* It's obvious, it's obvious... *
* Это очевидно, это очевидно... *
Es un obvio pedido de auxilio.
That's an obvious cry for help.
Por razones obvias, el FBI no puede violar su seguridad.
For obvious reasons, the FBI can't violate their security.
Quiero decir, Su Señoría, es obvio que la Dra. Foley ama a esta planta más de lo que muchas personas aman algo o a alguien.
I mean, Your Honor, it's obvious Dr. Foley loves this plant more than many people love anything or anyone.
Accept the obvious.
Примем очевидное.
- Bueno, estaba pensando en algo más obvio.
Well, I was wondering if we mightgo for something more obvious.
Llegamos a esta bandera, y todo el mundo siguió corriendo por el camino obvio... el camino abierto.
( Berglind ) We came to this one flag, and everyone kept on running just the obvious path- - широко открытый путь.
Para confirmar lo obvio?
To confirm the obvious?
¿ Qué? ¿ Que es dolorosamente obvio que arrastras tu cosa... por toda mujer atractiva que conoces porque no te olvidaste de mí?
It's what, painfully obvious that the reason you try to drag your dick through every attractive woman you meet is because you're not over me?

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