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Against Çeviri Türkçe

78 parallel translation
¿ Andre Moreau, colega del difunto Philippe de Valmorin... buscado por traición a la Corona de Francia?
Philippe de Valmorin'in yeni arkadaşı Andre Moreau... wanted for treason against the Crown of France?
Odds Against Tomorrow ( Yarın Tehlikede )
El círculo se cerrará y hallará la ley que lo hizo huir.
You'll come full circle against the law that made you move on.
Están dispuestos a atacarnos.
They're stacked against us.
"... against the madness. "
"... against the madness. "
¡ Te voy a estampar contra la pared!
I'll slam you against the wall.
♪ When your heart runs out of time,... ♪... when you're up against the night,... ♪...
# Zamanı tükendiğinde yüreğinin # # Karanlıkla karşılaştığında #
Vamos a mostrarte cosas que nunca has visto
# Press your face right up against the screen
"Stivic versus Auster referido a la muerte de Angela Stivic de 11 años".
"Stevic against Auster, Angela Stivic'in ölümü, Yaş 11."
De hecho, ¿ No intentó usted... chantajearla para verlo de nuevo... amenazándola con falsos testimonios en su contra?
ln fact, didn't you attempt... to blackmail her into seeing you again... by threatening to falsely testify against her? Hayır.
Creo que no supieron hasta ahora contra lo que estaban.
I don't think they knew until now what they were up against.
Heth vendrá aquí pensando que está luchando en contra de dos brigadas cansadas de caballería.
Heth'll come in here thinking he's up against two tired cavalry brigades.
Y sus órdenes eran de cautela acerca de comprometernos en una gran batalla.
And your orders were to caution against bringing on a general engagement.
Intenta ponerme en contra de Verad.
You're trying to turn me against Verad.
Sujete esto contra la oreja.
Hold this against his ear.
Smashing Pumpkins, Rage Against the Machine, Porno for Pyros- -
Smashing Pumpkins, Rage Against the Machine, Porno for Pyros- -
La sede de los suburbios de Illinois de la Fundación Derecho a la Vida... jugará su partido de softball semianual... contra la Liga del condado de cook... de La Libre Elección el domingo a las 2 : 00.
The greater Illinois Chapter of the Right to Life Foundation... will be holding its biannual soft ball game... against the Cook County... Pro-Choice League next Sunday at2 : 00.
La carrera en solitario de Phil Collins... parece más comercial... y, por consiguiente, más satisfactoria en un sentido más limitado... sobre todo canciones como In the Air Tonight y Against All Odds.
Böylece Sabrina popo deliğini görebilsin. Phil Collins'in solo kariyeri biraz daha ticari gibi görünüyor. Bu nedenle daha dar bir açıdan tatmin ediyor.
- Como en "Against all Flags", sólo que usaban patas de cerdo.
Bir filmde görmüştüm. Ama orada dev salamlar koyuyorlardı.
¿ O Rage Against the Machine?
Ya da Rage Against The Machine.
Tengo entradas para Rage Against The Machine.
Rage Against the Machine grubuna biletlerim var da.
¿ Sabes? Un show de Rage Against the Machine.
Rage Against the Machine, ne konserdi ama...
EI interés principal era Rage Against the Machine.
Rage Against the Machine'e karşı büyük bir iIgiIeri vardı.
It was from me against the World... que la terminé antes de ir a la carcel.
Hapse girmeden önce tamamladığım, Me Against the World albümündendi.
Me Against the World fué... de lo más alto de mi carrera.
Me Against the World kariyerimin doruk noktalarından biriydi.
Éramos Clash y Rage contra the Maquina y Nirvana combinados.
Clash, Rage Against The Machine ve Nirvana karışımıydık.
El caso es que no lo sabía, ese tipo retiró su denuncia contra tí.
'Case you didn't know, that guy dropped his charges against you.
¿ Que tienes en contra de Anita? What do you have against Anita?
Anita'ya neden düşmansın?
# # Los soñadores cabalgan # # # # Contra los hombres de acción # #
# The dreamers ride against the men of action ( Hayalperestler kuşandılar eylem adamlarına karşı ) #
Too many for us to make that kind of accusation against a concejal.
Meclis üyesine suçlamada bulunmak için çok fazla "belki" var.
¿ No fue por ello que en la causa no hubo argumentos para acusarte?
Hey,................ Hey, isn't that why the prosecution didn't have a case against you?
- "Rage against the machine".
- "Rage Against The Machine".
Estamos buscando información. Si alguien conociera a alguien que tengo, podría haber tenido algún rencor against Mrs. Rutherford cualquiera, ahora o en el pasado
Eğer geçmişte yada şimdi Mrs. Rutherford'a kin besleyebilecek birini yada buluşma rozetini kaybetmiş birisini biliyorsanız
De las 29 alegaciones presentadas contra la Corporación Shakti, 2 han sido probadas.
Out of the 29 allegations levelled against Shakti Corporation, 2 are proved.
Against All Odds, Jeff Bridges, Jimmy Woods.
Against All Odds'daki gibi. Jeff Bridges, Jimmy Woods.
# Puts my back up, puts my back up against the wall
# Puts my back up, puts my back up against the wall
Se llamó Against the Odds.
Adı da "Her Şeye Rağmen"
- A challenge against me...
- Bana karşı gelmek ha...
Mandy, si le dijera ( a usted ), usted tenía un cuerpo meciendo, ¿ Usted lo sujetaría contra mí?
Mandy, if I told you, you had a rocking body, would you hold it against me?
Protegiéndonos contra las fuerzas del mal.
* Protecting us against the forces of evil.
Porque si no lo haces, mi gobierno tomará represalias contra la RIK con toda la fuerza militar estadounidense.
Because if you don't, my administration will retaliate against the IRK with the full force of the American military.
Against the encroaching shadows...
Haddini aşan gölgelere karşı...
Rage against the machine - eso te hace permanecer despierta.
Rage against makine şimdi uyanık kalmanızı sağlar.
Ahora, por lo menos sabemos contra qué nos enfrentamos.
Now, at least we know what we're up against.
Los Yanquis juegan hoy contra Boston.
Yanks have a day game against Boston today.
# Against the light #
# Kötüye karşı #
Si sales con la cabeza asentada si escucho Rage Against The Machine antes de salir sales con un pensamiento erróneo.
Oraya kafan şişmiş halde gidersen "Rage Against The Machine" dinlerim
- Against the wall - Un buen policía.
Against The Wall S1-E1
Está bien.
* Swim against the tide, yet you drowned... * Tamam.
- Ah, eso.
- Rage Against The Machine!
# Against the good #
# İyiye karşı #

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