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Translate.vc / İspanyolca → Türkçe / Buried

Buried Çeviri Türkçe

17 parallel translation
El hombre enterrado allí es el único que murió de neumonía por aquí. Tranquilízate.
The man buried there is the only one who ever died of pneumonia here!
- Buried :. Yo no hablo jerigonza ni galimatias, Agente Lattimer.
No puedo ocultar lo que hice.
l cannot keep buried what l have done.
* Y enterraron su nombre en el suelo * * el cura estaba todavía hablando *
And they buried his name in the ground Well the preacher was still talking
These feelings I had buried are crying out.
İçimde sakladığım bu duygular ortaya çıkıyorlar
- Buried.
- Buzlar altında.
* Buscando la respuesta * * enterrada en su corazón * * cantando *
♪ Searching for the answer ♪ ♪ Buried in his heart ♪ ♪ Singing ah, ah, ah ♪
- Buried. -
- Gömülmek.
Encontramos su cadáver enterrado en la isla.
We found his body buried on the island.
- Buried.
- Gömülü.
♪ Enterrado en el granizo ♪
# Buried in the hail #
♫ Como puedo dejar atrás un tesoro enterrado ♫
¶ How can I leave a buried treasure behind ¶
Un pequeño fragmento de humanidad aguantando, enterrado dentro.
One final sliver of humanity holding on for dear life, buried deep inside.
These feelings I had buried are crying out. I'll hold on to these steadfast vows.
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