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Translate.vc / İspanyolca → Türkçe / Him

Him Çeviri Türkçe

564 parallel translation
Si no está ya muerto, no podrán encontrarle nunca.
If he ain't dead by this time, they ain't never gonna get him.
- ¿ Cree que volverá?
- You still figuring him to come back?
Un muchacho acudirá cuando lo llames, y se irá cuando lo mandes, pero algún día comprenderá que una mujer quiere decir que sí cuando dice que no.
A young man will come when you call him And leave when you tell him to go But some day he'll guess a woman means yes
Es bueno oirlos cantar.
It's sure good to hear him sing
Lo siento, no he podido pararIe.
Üzgünüm, Bay Roper. I tried to stop him.
- Srta. Porter, it's better you take him back.
Bayan Porter, odasına götürseniz iyi olacak.
Sólo acaba con él.
Just snuff him out.
Un disparo por la espalda.
Kıçına bir tekme.. 157 00 : 19 : 48,100 - - 00 : 19 : 51,700 and then you would have him out of the way in no time at all.
No pensé que fuera capaz de elogios. No lo es.
I didn't think him capable of compliments.
Disfrutaré despertándolo.
I'll enjoy waking him up.
Busquen cerca de los Baxters, pero lo quiero vivo.
Look for him near the Baxters', but take him alive. I want him alive!
Tráelo aquí.
Bring him here to me.
Entonces es mejor ir y atraparlo.
Then better go and get him.
¡ El!
No debió haberse molestado, pero es un detalle.
He needn't have bothered. Very nice of him, though.
Retrocede y aplástalo.
Back up and smash him off.
Ahora me desharé de él!
( Algernon ) Now, this will get him!
Le daremos un dolor de cabeza.
This should give him a headache.
- Es el calor, que lo altera.
- lt's the heat, it makes him stroppy.
Alábenlo todas las criaturas Que aquí estamos
# Praise Him, all creatures here below
Alábenlo en los Cielos Huestes celestiales
# Praise Him above, ye heavenly host
Puedo prescindir de él
I'll take him on
Le está costando un dineral.
It's costing him a bundle.
Lo miro Y no puedo dejar de mirarlo
# # I look at him and can not look away
El de algún día hacerle ver
# # To someday make him see
Que lo necesito tanto Como él me necesita a mí
# # That I need him as much as he needs me
♪ Pass him by ♪
# Geçti ona #
- ¿ Qué significa "colgarlo"?
Ne demek istedi'top him'demekle?
Dile que Está Muerto ".
Tell Him He's Dead. "
Dile Que Está Muerto.
Tell Him He's Dead.
Dile Que Está Muerto es un buen caballo.
Tell Him He's Dead iyi bir at.
Móntalo sobre Goldie May junto a Toby y átalo bien.
Put him up on Goldie May Toby ile birlikte. Etrafından iyice bağla.
¡ Es él!
It's him!
"... and I can call him up from my heart... "
"... and I can call him up from my heart... "
¶ Y al acercarme, suspiró ¶ ¶ con estas palabras : ¶
And as I walked near him these words he did sigh.
# That I'd take him fishin'
* Balığa götürürüm diye *
# When I tried to get back to him
* Ona gitmeye çalıştığımda *
- But I'll never let him mention
* Ama hiç sözünü etmem *
# He was a cowboy and he knew I loved him well
* Bir kovboydu o, ve biliyordu onu sevdiğimi *
# I can hear him when he's comin'home
* Duyardım eve gelişini *
# Has taken him
* Aldı onu *
# He had seven sisters to raise him
* Yedi ablası büyütmüş onu *
Especialmente a mí. Pero le voy a decir que por fin tengo mi vida, y es para siempre.
Ama ona söyleyeceğim But I'm going to tell him kati olarak sonunda kendi hayatımı yaşadığımı.
No se desviarán demasiado señor.
That shouldn't bring him down very far off, sir.
~ And if you love him
Andifyou love him
Tráemelo hacia aquí.
Bring him over here.
¡ Encuéntrenlo!
Find him for me!
Encuéntrenlo ahora mismo.
Get him back right now!
¡ No lo animes!
Don't encourage him!
"... and I can call him up from my heart. "
"... and I can call him up from my heart. "
"... and still I'll try to tell him all the things I've done... "
"... and still I'll try to tell him all the things I've done... "

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