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Himself Çeviri Türkçe

19 parallel translation
Y se lo toma en serio a la hora de atormentarse
# And so personal torturing himself #
Tengo informes de dos laboratorios de audio independientes... que el Sr. Garrett ha usado él mismo para verificar evidencia... en otros juicios.
l have reports from two independent audio labs... that Bay Garrett himself has used to verify evidence... in other trials.
Para ser un tío que se considera dramáticamente bueno, pido disculpas a menudo.
You know, for someone who views himself as a tragically nice guy I spend an awful lot of time apologizing.
Lo que quiero saber es, ¿ cuántas manos se guardó? * * * * * * * * * * did he backed himself up
Parasının kaç el yettiğini bilmek istiyorum.
No lo podrá levantar.
Nah... He'll overstrain himself.
# # Pero él mismo estaba roto # #
# He himself was broken ( Yitirmişti umudunu ) #
Cada hombre, mujer y bebé estaban por su cuenta.
It was every man, woman and baby for himself.
Pero sólo en el caso de que no me creas, pregúntale al hombre mismo.
But just in case you don't believe me, ask the man himself.
Soy... el mandamás se llevará a sí mismo.
I am--the big shot will drive himself back.
Ningún Bass permitiría ser detenido por algo tan pequeño como un boletín tri estatal.
No Bass man would let himself be stopped by a little thing like a tristate A.P.B.
El Rey, que ha abandonado al país y a su gente, ya es un gran pecador.
The king who abandoned his people is himself a great sinner.
Esta vez Orlando se superó
This time, Orlando outdid himself.
Se ató a sí mismo a la estación de seguridad.
Kendini güvenlik istasyonuna sardı. He's wrapped himself around the security station.
¿ Qué, en qué se metió?
What, what did he get himself into, hmm?
Para ver si podemos hacer que tu aparición se explique.
See if we can get your apparition to explain himself.
Según sus historias y tradiciones, Odín se colgó de un árbol, y un sirviente pagano lo apuñaló al costado con una lanza, como hicieron los romanos con Cristo.
* So, according to their stories and traditions, * Odin hung himself from a tree * and a pagan servant stabbed him in his side with a spear, * just like the Romans did to Christ.
Pesa una tonelada.
He weighs over a ton. Of course, with all he poured into himself.
Bates Motel 4x01 A Danger to Himself and Others.
Bölüm "Kendine ve Etrafındakilere Bir Tehlike"

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