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Through Çeviri Türkçe

257 parallel translation
¡ A través de mezquites y chaparrales!
# Through mesquite and chaparral #
"Coming Through the Rye".
"Çavdarların arasından şarkısı".
Murmuran por el jardín
Whisper through the garden
Una de ellas es "Over the River and Through the Woods".
Bir tanesi "Nehrin Üzerinde ve Ormanların İçinde" dir.
Me ha fallado una cosa en Washington y tengo que hacer la instrucción.
Something fell through in Washington and I have to take basic training.
Pase por la puerta que da al patio.
Come in through the courtyard.
Música : "Dixie," "Esperando al Robert E. Lee"... pero no, repito, "Marchando por Georgia".
Müzik, "Dixie", "Swanee River", "Waiting for the Robert E. Lee" olsun. Ama kesinlikle, tekrarlıyorum kesinlikle, "Marching Through Georgia" olmasın.
Historia y libreto de Ingmar Bergman por Through a Glass Darkly.
Aynanın İçinden filmiyle Ingmar Bergman.
En lo bueno y en lo malo ella siempre será mi amiga. No quiero decir que haya sido infeliz contigo.
Through thick and thin she will always be my friend l don't wanna say that l've been unhappy with you
sólo sé que intento sacar adelante esta idea... que tu madre me dio y estoy decidido a seguir con ello.
Bütün bildiğim bu fikre burada bana annen verdi, and I'm just bound to go through with it.
Alguien por quien hacer cosas Por quien terminar algo a la diabla
# # Someone to do for, muddle through for
Aquello que en la formulación teórica se presenta abiertamente como desviado, al desmentir toda autonomía durable de la esfera de lo teórico expresado, y haciendo intervenir por esta violencia la acción que trastorna y elimina todo orden existente, recuerda que esta existencia de lo teórico no significa nada en sí misma, y no puede conocerse sino con la acción histórica, y la corrección histórica que es su verdadera fidelidad.
Détournement teorik alana, var olan tüm düzeni bozan ve yerle bir eden ayni türde bir siddetli yikimi dahil ederek teorinin kendi basina bir anlami olmadigini, yalnizca tarihsel eylem ve gerçek anlamda bagli oldugu tarihsel düzeltme vasitasiyla kendini through historical action,
# I've lived through two depressions
* Yaşadım iki buhran dönemini de *
# Even... If we stay together # Our whole lifetime through
* Hatta beraber olsak... * * tüm hayatımız boyunca *
# It slips right through your fingers
* Parmaklarının arasından akar gider *
# Our whole lifetime through
* Bir hayat boyunca * - Sefertasınıza GooGoo koyun.
# And if the doctor says you're through
* Ve derse doktor, "işin bitti" *
# Even if we stay together # Our whole lifetime through
* Hatta beraber olsak... * * tüm hayatımız boyunca *
El Teniente Fowler te ayudará a ingeniar un modo para llevar a los heridos hasta la escotilla de escape.
Lieutenant Fowler's gonna help you fıgure out a procedure... to get these people through here to the escape hatch.
Necesitaría por lo menos una semana de entrenamiento para ver por esas ventanillas.
You'd really get the hang of it... after a week of lyin'on your belly lookin'through those little peepholes.
~ Through rain and wind and weather Hell-bent for leather
Through rain and windand weather Hell-bent forleather
¿ Crees que los engañaremos... y pasaremos la barricada?
Listen, if the transmission does hold together... you think we're gonna be able to bluff our way through the roadblock ahead?
¿ Una bala en el cerebro?
Bullet through the brain?
¿ Te acuerdas de ese cabo en Da Nang... el que se metió un balazo en la cabeza?
You remember that kid corporal in Da Nang... the one that put a bullet through his head?
And through the bars of a Cuban jail
Kendimi Küba hapisanesinin parmaklıklarında buldum...
* Fever all through the night *
* Ateş tüm gece boyunca *
After all these changes that you put me through
# Beni bunca değiştirdikten sonra
Don't you never, never say that we're through
# Sakın bana ayrıldığımızı söyleme
¡ Todo por lo que he pasado para hacer esto realidad!
What I went through to make all this come true.
Los combatiremos aquí, pulgada a pulgada. A través del pueblo si es necesario.
We'll fight them here, inch by inch, through the town if necessary.
General Ewell, hubiese esperado eso después de moverse a través del pueblo que usted tomaría esa colina.
General Ewell, I had hoped that after moving through the town you would've taken that hill.
# # Through The Night # #
# # Gece boyunca # #
Sobrevivirá esta noche.
She'll make it through the night.
esto no quedará así.
you are through here.
No volvamos a pasar por eso.
Let's not go through that again.
Es probable que me recuerden de otros documentales como : Las aventuras de Alicia a través del espejo retrovisor y La decapitación de Larry Pies de Plomo.
Beni birçok eğitici filmden hatırlarsınız Alice's Adventures Through the Windshield Glass ve The Decapitation of Larry Leadfoot gibi.
A través de este desierto yermo en busca de la verdad.
Through this barren desert in search of truth
Podemos compartir las experiencias a través de un vínculo telepático.
We're able to share our experiences through a telepathic link.
# She's saying we're through
# She's saying we're through
Concéntrate en el contenido americano y haz que Hoffmann gaste bien el dinero.
Focus on American content production. Make Hoffmann pay through the nose.
# Paseamos por las colinas
# We strolled through the hills
¡ Pasó el dispar de punta a punta!
Shot right through!
"Sobre él muy alta vuela una golondrina..." "aleteando veloz a través del cielo."
High above him, there's a swallow winging swiftly through the sky.
"Cómo ríen los vientos, ríen con todas sus fuerzas..." "ríen y ríen durante todo el día que pasa."
How the winds are laughing, they laugh with all their might... laugh and laugh the whole day through...
Y me pareció que Donna y tú estaban pasando por un mal momento.
So I gather you and Donna are going through a rough patch.
- Si lo hiciera, sólo tendrán que controlar a las fuerzas del mal hasta fin de curso y volveré en Acción de Gracias y en vacaciones.
Bunları yapabilmeni çok isterim. Bunları yaparsam siz sıradan kötüleri sömestr tatiline kadar oyalayabilir... is keep the run-Of-The-Mill unholy forces at bay through midterms misiniz? Yaz tatilinde de dönerim.
Sí, vamos.
- Drive-through çalışacak mısın?
BENDER CANTA : Yendo a traves del lavado de autos
Going through the car wash [Oto yıkamada]
Several colleagues have been lost, and all through sheer negligence.
Tamamen ihmalkârlıktan, birçok yoldaşı kaybettik.
Ma ma ma mi
# That's what gets me through #
Think this through with me Piensa esto por mi

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