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Translate.vc / Fransızca → İngilizce / Allè

Allè Çeviri İngilizce

15 parallel translation
J'y suis allè 100 fois.
I've been there a 100 times.
Ce n'est pas sa faute, s'il est allè en fac.
He can't help that he went to college.
Je me rappelle, quand j'ètais dans une des universités où je suis allè.
I remember when I went to went to one of the several colleges I attended.
Il est sage et - j'en jurerais - il est allè se coucher.
He is wise and on my life hath stolen him home to bed.
Vous voulez savoir pourquoi je suis allè au bureau des preuves?
How well do you know Ms. Dawson? As well as anybody here. She's a very honest person.
Je suis allè au bureau, et je l'ai fait pour lui. Et voilà comment on me récompense.
Do you mind giving us a couple of minutes?
Celui qui est allè aux Bermudes?
And what is that?
Je suis allè au " "Paradis des Ordinateurs" ".
Really? What did you hear him say?
- Il est allè au mât du drapeau.
- He went to the flagpole.
Je veux aller ou aucun autre homme n'est allè auparavant.
Yes. I want "to boldly go where no man has gone before."
J'y suis allè bien habillé dans une tenue impecable, et soudain, quelqu'un m'a embrassé et m'a laissè la marque des 5 doigts sur la veste.
I had put on my best suit, I was very elegant and so when he hugged me he left the mark of his greasy hand on my coat.
Il est allè à la banque.
He's at the bank, he won't be long.
Un jour, après l'ècole, je suis allè chez Lasse.
When I was at Lasse's after school, Lasse was sitting first,
Ouais, on y est allè tout de suite,
Yeah. We got to the scene right away.
Je suis allè au lycèe Roosevelt.
I went to Theodore Roosevelt.

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