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Translate.vc / Fransızca → İngilizce / Carlotta

Carlotta Çeviri İngilizce

333 parallel translation
Et voici ma seule enfant : Carlotta, ma fille bien-aimée.
This is my only child, my beloved daughter Carlotta.
Ma fille Carlotta, qui n'est pas facile à séduire, a souvent parlé de lui, devinant sa nature.
My daughter Carlotta, who is not easily conquered, spoke of him often, imagining his character.
La fille du podestat, Carlotta.
The PodestÁ's daughter, Carlotta.
Signorina Carlotta, si ce n'est que jeu, plaisir de batifoler ou pire encore, malgré votre doux visage, et votre voix suave comme un message du ciel, vous n'êtes qu'une diablesse!
Signorina Carlotta, if this is nothing but a game for you, the pleasure of playing around or even worse, then you are, despite your sweet face and your voice which sounds like a message from heaven, a devil!
Carlotta, songez-y...
Carlotta, consider...
Pour l'amour du ciel, Carlotta, je ne peux que me jeter à tes pieds.
For God's sake, Carlotta, I must at your feet.
À l'instant, le rire frais de Carlotta. Mais ce n'était sans doute qu'illusion.
Carlotta's silvery laugh a while ago, but probably it was a delusion.
- Mais oû est Carlotta?
- But where is Carlotta?
On vous cherche, Donna Carlotta, et vous vous cachez, vous vous retirez dans les ombres.
They are looking for you, Carlotta, and you hide yourself in the shadows. Then you run away from your fiancé?
Personne n'a vu Carlotta?
Has no one seen Carlotta?
Ô belle Carlotta, quels étranges propos!
O beautiful Carlotta, how strangely you speak!
Mais amenez-moi Carlotta!
But give me Carlotta!
" "elle, Carlotta, de son plein gré, par amour" "
" "she, Carlotta, willingly, in love," "
Car, Alviano, ne disais-tu pas que Carlotta s'était aussi offerte à toi?
For did not, Alviano, as you said, Carlotta also give herself to you?
Carlotta, Ma bien-aimée... Je suis près de toi, il a menti, menti, menti!
Carlotta, beloved... I am with you, he lied, lied, lied!
Envoyez-moi Mlle Carlotta.
- Send Mademoiselle Carlotta here.
Merci, Carlotta.
Thank you, Carlotta.
Carlotta, bien sûr, était au courant.
Of course, there's Carlotta, she knew.
- Nous n'avons plus besoin de Carlotta.
We are dispensing with Carlotta's services.
- Pauvre Carlotta.
Poor Carlotta.
Je ne suis pas Carlotta.
I'm not Carlotta.
J'ai vu que ta chère Carlotta Vance est arrivée sur l'Europa hier.
I saw that your precious Carlotta Vance arrived on the Europa yesterday.
Tant mieux, invitons-la.
Carlotta? Fine, let's have her.
Carlotta n'a pas d'âge!
At her age, too. Nonsense. Carlotta has no age.
Mlle Carlotta Vance désire vous voir. Elle est là?
Mr. Jordan, Miss Carlotta Vance is here to see you.
Avoue, Carlotta :
Now, come along, Carlotta.
Ça ne prend pas!
Carlotta, go along with you.
Tu dois encore avoir de quoi vivre.
Now, Carlotta, your stock must bring you in a little something.
Les Jordan n'ont jamais été en vente.
You see, Carlotta, it's like this. The Jordan stock has never really been on the market.
Tu es merveilleuse!
Why, Carlotta, you're marvellous.
Yes, I would, Carlotta.
J'étais très amoureux de toi.
I was very much in love with you, Carlotta.
Ton refus m'a brisé le cœur.
You broke my heart when you refused me, Carlotta.
Si tu prenais un acteur pour Carlotta?
Why don't you get an actor for Carlotta?
Il connaît Carlotta.
And he knows Carlotta.
Carlotta y est. Tu es sûre?
- That's where Carlotta's staying.
Je le mettrai entre Carlotta et la femme Packard.
Let's see, I'll put him between Carlotta and the Packard woman.
Mlle Carlotta Vance.
Excuse me, madam. Miss Carlotta Vance is calling.
Ici, Carlotta.
- ln here, Carlotta.
Pardon de débarquer ainsi.
- Dear Carlotta. - You don't mind me rushing in on you?
Tu ne vas pas être fâché?
Oliver, sweet. You won't be cross with Carlotta, will you?
Qu'essaies-tu de me dire?
Carlotta, what are you trying to tell me?
Tu sais combien Carlotta est fauchée.
You see, Oliver, sweet, you know, Carlotta's so broke.
Et Carlotta Vance!
- And Carlotta Vance.
Tu es superbe!
Carlotta, this is a surprise. Why, you look marvellous.
Tu permets?
Do you mind, Carlotta?
Carlotta Vance?
Wait a minute.
Carlotta désire te parler.
- Carlotta.
Une minute!
- Carlotta wants to talk to you. - l'll not keep you a minute.
Je te raccompagne.
No. I'll see you to the door, Carlotta.

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