/ Fransızca → İngilizce / Connors
Connors Çeviri İngilizce
530 parallel translation
Il y a Biff Bentley, Connors, Link et Mather.
There's Biff Bentley, Connors, Link and Mather.
Mather l'a attrapée et effectué une latérale en direction de Connors... qui a franchi la ligne d'en-but pour un touché.
Mather snagged it, tossed a lateral to Connors... who ran across the goal line standing up for a touchdown.
- Connors?
- Connors?
Connors, donnez-en une cuillérée à mlle Cooper.
Connors, you better go in there, give Miss Cooper a teaspoonful.
Bonjour. - Bonjour.
Hello, Connors.
Raccompagnez mile Cooper à sa voiture et attendez Amanda.
Connors, escort Miss Cooper to her car and wait till Amanda gets there.
Avec M. Connors, le temps passe toujours trop vite.
Since Mr. Connors is no longer confused, maybe he'll prove entertaining.
Connors, voici le lieutenant Stewart.
- Well, here he is. Mr. Connors, meet Lieutenant Stewart.
Ici le capitaine de corvette Connors.
This is Lieutenant Commander Connors speaking.
Dites-lui d'appeler le commandant Connors au club des officiers.
Ask her to call Commander Connors... at the officers'club at the sub base.
Mr. Connors?
Mr. Connors?
Je viens de voir Dewey Connors.
I just left Dewey Connors.
Dewey Connors va vous demander de l'épouser.
Dewey Connors is coming here to ask you to marry him.
J'aime beaucoup Dewey Connors, mais je ne peux pas l'épouser, car je ne l'aime pas.
I'm very fond of Dewey Connors... but I can't marry him... because I don't love him.
Mais quand je rentre de mission, on va à l'opéra... en famille, deux fois par semaine.
When I come home, if there's any grand opera playing the whole Connors family goes down there twice a week.
J'ai vu votre combat contre Conners, il y a 2 ans.
I saw your fight with Connors in the Bowlyear before last.
Conover et Gibbons, c'est l'heure de la releve.
Connors and Gibbons, it's time for guard duty.
Je suis tombé sur M.Conners qui sortait d'un bar au niveau du bâtiment dont il est propriétaire.
On my way back here, I ran into Mr. Connors coming outta that bar... in the building he owns over on Second Street.
mlle Connors, on réglera ça plus tard.
As for you, Miss Connors, we shall have a little talk later.
- Non, Connors.
Oh, uh, no, Connors. Thank you.
- Connors.
- Connors.
Bien sûr, Connors.
Yes, yes, of course, Connors.
Vous aussi, Connors.
Come along, Connors.
- Connors, iI n'y a plus d'aspirine.
Connors, we're all out of aspirin here. I'm sorry, sir.
On m'a présenté aux Flynn, aux Foley, aux Flaherty, aux Deegan, aux Donovan, aux O'Neil, aux McMahon, et à tout le clan O'Toole.
So far, I've met the Flynns, the Foleys, the Flahertys... the Deegans, the Doogans... the O'Connors, O'Neals, McMahons, and all the clan O'Toole.
L'équipe bleue a dû aller vers... Qu'y a-t-il, Connors?
We figure the blue team must've moved across to... what's the matter with you, connors?
Le major Reno! Quand Custer a divisé ses forces, il a envoyé Reno au nord.
When custer split his force into three columns, and sent reno's to the north... all right, connors, that'll do.
Comme le jour de la bataille.
All right, connors.
Oui, monsieur.
Has connors reported in?
Connors, c'est le capitaine.
They're acknowledging, sir.
McCluskey, vous pensez que vous pourriez faire l'effort de me donner votre position?
Connors? This is the captain. It's mccluskey, sir.
Oui, monsieur. Un instant, voici Connors. Capitaine?
You're about to do it within the next half-hour or you'll be spending the next three national holidays in the guardhouse, do you read me?
Connors, je dois vous envoyer la gendarmerie?
Here's sergeant connors. Captain, this is connors.
Capitaine, nous sommes à 1 km du lieu où le major Reno a rencontré les Sioux.
Connors, do i have to send a couple of m.p. S down there?
Je ne le répéterai pas.
Listen to me, connors.
Maintenant, je veux qu'un char de l'armée soit de retour au Q.G. avec trois réservistes nommés Connors, McCluskey et Langsford à son bord.
When these maneuvers are over, you can come back here on a vacation and dig arrowheads, or anything you like. But right now, i want a government-issue tank back here at the command post with three national guardsmen named connors, mccluskey and langsford right alongside it.
Répondez. Connors?
Now, you've got exactly 30 minutes to bring her back here.
Il a coupé, monsieur.
Connors, acknowledge!
" William Connors, Michael McCluskey,
" William connors...
Le sergent William Connors, le soldat Michael McCluskey et le soldat Richard Langsford, qui, par une chaude après-midi de juin, ont chargé sur la colline et ne sont jamais revenus.
Sergeant william connors, trooper michael mccluskey, and trooper richard langsford who on a hot afternoon in june made a charge over a hill and never returned.
Avez-vous dit à votre amie, Mlle Connors, que vous ne savez pas pêcher?
Oh, say, did you tell your girlfriend, Miss, uh, Connors, that you can't fish?
- Mlle Connors l'a appelé.
- Miss Connors called him.
- Mlle Connors?
- Miss Connors?
- Mlle Connors lui fera la surprise.
- Why not let Miss Connors surprise him?
Apportez-moi la jeep.
Drain 267 is the target area. O'Connors, bring up my jeep.
Qu'en dites-vous, Connors?
What do you say, Connors?
Bluebird... Connors? Le capitaine veut vous voir dans sa tente immédiatement.
Bluebird... connors, the captain wants to see you in his tent right away, and it sounded like to me it was a little more than an invitation.
C'est Connors.
Yes, sir, just a minute.
Ecoutez-moi, Connors.
Captain, look, we're just a mile from where major reno met the sioux!