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Cédric Çeviri İngilizce

523 parallel translation
Rotherwood, le château de Cédric le Saxon.
Rotherwood, the keep of Cedric the Saxon.
Je connais un Saxon nommé Cédric.
I believe I know this Cedric the Saxon.
Cédric a renié Ivanhoé lorsqu'il est parti en guerre.
Ivanhoe defied his father when he went to the war. Cedric cast him off.
Je veux savoir pourquoi il conduit ces Normands chez son père, avant de médire de Ivanhoé ou Cédric.
I'll know why he takes those Normans to his father before I'll believe ill of Sir Ivanhoe or Cedric.
Mais le fils de Cédric est mort.
But Ivanhoe is Cedric's son, and Cedric called him dead.
- Sauf chez Cédric.
- Not every door. Not Cedric's.
- Cédric est à Sheffield?
- Cedric in Sheffield?
En direction de Rotherwood, avec Cédric.
On the way to Rotherwood under Cedric's protection.
Occupons-nous de Cédric.
Then we take the father first.
Vous êtes le bienvenu chez moi, Cédric.
I bid you right welcome to my keep, Sir Cedric.
Cédric ne vous ayant trouvé aucun roi saxon, je suis donc le prétendant le mieux placé.
Now that Cedric can't find a Saxon king for you to marry I am, by far, the most eligible of the new order.
R.C. Sherriff, Robert Cedric Sherriff, est né à Kingston-upon-Thames, dans le Surrey, en Angleterre, en 1896.
RC Sherriff, Robert Cedric Sherriff, was born in Kingston-upon-Thames, Surrey, england, in 1896.
Répète-moi ton nom...
What did you say your name was? - Cedric Errol Lord Fauntleroy.
Cedric Errol, Lord Fauntleroy.
Well, I am jiggered.
- Le capitaine tout craché!
- He's captain Cedric all over again.
Il semble y avoir peu d'espoir pour le faux prétendant Cedric Errol de Brooklyn.
The prospects do not look very bright for the false claimant, Cedric Errol of Brooklyn.
Elle est chez Lord Cedric Bottomley, à Palm Beach.
She's at the home of Lord Cedric Bottomley, Palm Beach.
Lord Cedric amène son yacht demain.
Lord Cedric's bringing the yacht down tomorrow.
Cedric n'est pas brillant, mais il est adorable, pauvre amour.
Cedric may not be brilliant but he's rather sweet, poor lamb.
Cedric, pour l'anniversaire de sa mère.
Cedric gave it to me for his mother's birthday.
Le dernier rapport de Palm Beach, sur les manoeuvres hivernales de Lorraine Sheldon sur le flanc gauche, ou sur tous les flancs de Lord Bottomley.
It's the latest report from Palm Beach on the winter maneuvers of Lorraine Sheldon against the left flank, or rather all flanks, of Lord Cedric Bottomley.
Depuis lors, sa poursuite éperdue de Cedric n'a eu de cesse, sauf pour changer sa guêpière.
Since then, in her relentless pursuit of Cedric, she has paused only to change girdles and check her oil.
Cedric se cache en Caroline, mais Lorraine le rejoindrait en avion s'il daignait éternuer dans sa direction. "
Cedric is hiding in Carolina, but Lorraine would fly to him in a Stratoliner if he so much as sneezed in her direction. "
- Connaissez-vous ce Cedric, Maggie?
- Have you met our little Cedric, Maggie?
Cedric, quelle surprise!
Why, Cedric. Why, what a surprise.
Cedric, mon amour, un instant, s'il vous plaît.
Cedric, dearest, will you wait just a moment, please?
Cedric, ne bégayez pas tant.
Cedric, please don't stutter so.
Cedric, veuillez arrêter de bégayer.
Cedric, please don't stutter so.
Cedric a appelé de Caroline du sud.
Cedric called from South Carolina.
" Chérie, Cedric et moi nous marions demain, en Caroline du Sud.
" Darling, Cedric and I are being married tomorrow, South Carolina.
Je parlais à Cedric.
Not true, I was talking to Cedric.
- Je m'appelle Cedric Potter.
- Potter, Cedric Potter.
C'est donc bien lui.
Aye, Rowena.'Tis the same Cedric.
Nous venons en paix.
We come in peace, Sir Cedric.
- Pour ameuter les Saxons?
- Take Cedric and rouse all Saxon England?
Nous débusquerons Ivanhoé ensuite.
Once we hold Cedric, we'll smoke out Ivanhoe.
Viens, Cedric.
Come, Cedric.
- Oui, Cedric.
Yes, Cedric.
Yes, Cedric.
Si, Cedric, ça aussi, c'est tombé.
Yes, Cedric. That dropped off, too.
Cachez Cedric.
Hide Cedric.
- Cù est Cedric?
- Where's Cedric?
- Qui est Cedric?
- Err... Who's Cedric?
Oh Cedric
Et puis Oncle Cedric.
Then there's Uncle Cedric.
Et ce beatnik attardé de Cedric a conseillé à Emma, devant moi, de se marier!
And you know what that overgrown beatnik Cedric, did? Told Emma, in front of me, she ought to get out of here. Get married or something.
Cedric, c'est absurde.
Now, Cedric, this is absurd.
Oui, l'idée de Cedric est peut-être juste.
Yes, yes, I suppose Cedric has a point there.

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