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Translate.vc / Fransızca → İngilizce / Ernest

Ernest Çeviri İngilizce

994 parallel translation
Ernest me les a données. Ah non!
Ernest gave them to me.
- Allez. Salut. Ernest.
- See you, Ernest.
Ernest lui a demandé de rester l'aider au Transatlantique.
Ernest asked her to stay longer to help him at the Transatlantique.
Salut, Ernest.
Hello, Ernest.
Bravo! Il y avait beaucoup de monde à l'enterrement de ce pauvre Ernest.
- Ernest's burial was well attended.
Tiens, avec Ernest.
Yes, it was with Ernest.
Ce pauvre Ernest. Oh!
- Poor Ernest.
Il est mort, Ernest!
- He's dead?
Est-ce que tu savais qu'Ernest avait une bonne amie?
Tell me, Edouard, did you know that Ernest had a mistress?
Et tu te prétendais l'ami d'Ernest.
But you were his friend.
Paula, tu dois dîner ici avec Ernest, vendredi.
Paula, I'll want you and Ernest for dinner next Friday.
J'espère qu'il est plus emballé que toi!
I certainly hope Ernest is more excited about this wedding than you seem to be.
Ernest revient ce soir.
Ernest gets back from abroad this evening.
Il sera au dîner?
Ernest? Will he be there at your mother's?
Je devrais épouser Ernest.
Ernest is just the sort of young man I should marry.
Tu crois que je pourrais épouser Ernest?
Do you think I can go on with Ernest?
Je dirai tout à maman, papa et Ernest.
I'm going to tell Mother and Dad and Ernest...
Au sujet d'Ernest et moi.
- What? It's about Ernest and me.
Et toi, avec Ernest!
You come to me with your....
Je devrais écouter ça?
Some little lovers'quarrel. I'm expected to listen to Ernest, business, and headaches... when I'm half out of my mind.
Ils vont se marier.
They're going to be married, you know? Ernest DeGraff.
Comment avez-vous deviné?
How did you know that I was Ernest?
Je reconnais les Ernest à six mètres!
I can tell an Ernest 20 feet off.
Ernest n'y verra rien.
Now Ernest won't notice a thing.
Je ne veux pas le voir.
I don't want to see Ernest.
Mais sinon, quelqu'un comme Ernest n'a rien à savoir de ton passé. À toi d'y veiller.
But if you should, you know, someone like Ernest... he won't want to know anything about your past... as long as you keep it in the past.
Paula épouse Ernest, on prendra une maison plus petite.
And with Paula married to Ernest, we'll take a smaller place somewhere.
Whale pensa à lui pour le Dr Pretorius, dans La fiiancée de Frankenstein, mais l'on sait que c'est Ernest Thesiger qui eut le rôle.
And whale thought of him for the role of Dr Pretorius in Bride of Frankenstein, but we know that Ernest Thesiger played that part.
Je m'appelle Ernest De Farge.
My name is Ernest De Farge.
Vous vous méprenez, mon mari s'appelle Ernest.
You make a mistake when you call my husband Jacques. His name is Ernest.
Ernest De Farge, Thérèse De Farge et le Dr Manette!
- Yes? Yes? ... and Dr. Manette.
Son Altesse, l'archiduc Gustav Ernest, va vous recevoir maintenant.
His Highness, the Archduke Gustav Ernest, will see you presently.
- Ernest!
- Ernest!
Ernest. Ernest.
Placez une commande.
Ernest. Take an order.
Ernest, pour deux dans la suite impériale...
Now, Ernest, serve for two up in the Imperial Soots...
Tu connais Gina, la femme à Ernest?
- Do you know Gina? Ernest's girl?
♪ ai, Ernest Cyprien Hercule Fabien,.. ... huissier audiencier...
Resident in my study, I, Ernest Fabien, official court notary...
Ernest, où es-tu?
Ernest, where are you?
La 1re fois qu'Ernest découche.
First night Ernest is gone.
Fais-lui le guignol, Ernest.
Do the puppet, Ernest!
Plus fort, Ernest il n'entend pas.
Louder, Ernest, he can't hear you!
- Salut Ernest.
- So long, Ernest.
Le pauvre.
Poor Ernest.
Des disputes d'amoureux!
And you whimpering about Ernest.
Ernest est là.
Ernest came back tonight.
Durant votre absence, il...
Ernest, while you've been away, there's something....
Ce doit être Ernest.
- Carlotta. And this is Ernest!
- Trois!
- Ernest De Farge, Therese De Farge...

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