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Translate.vc / Fransızca → İngilizce / Faít

Faít Çeviri İngilizce

7 parallel translation
Tout à coup, íl faít fraís dans le couloír, et on a envíe de retourner à son compartíment.
'All at once,'the vestibule was chilly and his own compartment'suddenly seemed inviting and warm.'
"Ce que je faís est bíen. bíen míeux que ce que )'aï ) amaís faít."
" It ís a far. far better thíng I do than I have ever done.
$ 15.60 par actíon? Tu auraís faít la même chose à ma place.
You would've done the same thing yourself.
Parfait. A quelle heure, ce soir? Ça faít 4 ans, depuís votre opératíon?
- It's been three to four years since your surgery.
Maman te faít un gros bísou,
Mom sends a big kiss,
Tout à faít.
The dove of peace was a pigeon.
Pas tout à faít...

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