/ Fransızca → İngilizce / Frere
Frere Çeviri İngilizce
1,881 parallel translation
Si j'avais un frere, on n'aurait pas ce probleme.
If you gave me a brother, we wouldn't have this problem.
Je t'aurais téléphoné mais mon frere me l'a déconseillé.
I would have called you, but my brother told me not to.
Les gens me montreront du doigt : "C'est le frere de la voleuse."
People are gonna point and say, "There goes the shoplifter's brother."
Frere Boule, procedez.
Brother Bloat, proceed.
- ton putain de frere est un phenomene aussi!
- Your damn brother is a freak too!
ton frere a été brulé vivant.
Your brother was burned alive.
- j'ai déja perdu ma mere... et mon frere, et mon petit ami.
- I've already lost my mother... and my brother and my boyfriend.
J'ai promis ton frere que nous ne l'emb terions pas, alors ne...
I've already explained to your brother that we were not going to give him any problems, so don't.
T'occuper de ton frere est une bien plus grande responsabilit que tu ne le penses.
Your brother is more responsibility than you know.
Tu as un petit gar on qui veut trop croire a tout ce qu'il y a dans le monde qui l'entoure et un grand frere qui ferait n'importe quoi pour ce gamin...
You've got a little boy who wants to believe so much in the world around him and an older brother who'd do anything for that boy...
Ca fait des annees qu'on est comme un frere et une soeur.
We haven't been like lovers for years, you and I. More like brother and sister.
Frere Jean va s'occuper de toi.
Brother Jean will take care of you!
Frere Jean, vous allez heberger Jose.
Brother Jean... Billboard to host Joseph?
Frere Jean, tu sais ou je vais dormir?
Brother Jean... Do you know where I sleep?
- Frere Jean.
- Brother Jean!
Frere Jean m'a dit que je dois partir.
Jean's brother says that I.. I must go.
Frere Jean, quel est le programme?
What is the agenda today?
Chouchou, cet apres-midi, frere Jean t'accompagnera chez la dame. Juste une petite chose : habille-toi correctement.
Chouchou, the evening, Brother Jean will take till the lady..... just a detail..... dress properly.
Frere Jean, ca va?
Brother Jean, good?
Frere Jean, tu n'es pas un peu somnambule?
Brother Jean... Are you sleepwalking?
Heureusement qu'il travaille ici. Car frere Jean, il est un peu...
He works happily here... because Brother Jean, he is half...
Frere Jean, tu es la?
Are you there, Brother Jean?
Frere Jean?
Brother Jean!
- Bonjour, frere Jean.
- Good morning. - Good morning, Ms. Franklin.
Frere Jean.
Brother Jean.
Je m'appelle frere Jean, compris?
My name is Brother Jean.
Ton frere.
Your brother!
Chouchou, le frere de ma mere.
The brother of my mother!
- Son frére.
- Her brother.
C'était le meilleur ami de mon frére.
Bright and him were best friends.
Je voudrais m'excuser pour mon frére, il est nul parfois.
I want to apologize for my brother. I know he's a jerk sometimes.
Oui, entre mon pére et ses obsessions, mon frére, le grand agité et ma mére qui est limite folle à lier.
Sure my father's OCD my brother's ADD and my mother is just plain crazy.
Quand mon frére et moi étions enfants... on effrayait les gens la plupart du temps.
When my brother and I were kids... we used to just scare folks, mostly.
Pourquoi avoir enveloppé votre frére comme ça?
Why'd you wrap your brother up like that?
Mon frére et moi... parfois... on dessinait dans cette drôle de langue.
My brother and I... sometimes... we would draw in this weird language.
Mous aimez beaucoup votre frére.
I think you loved your brother very much.
Si seulement ton frére était là pour voir ça.
I wish your brother Sam was here to see this.
Son frére est dans le Montana depuis l'incendie.
His brother left for Montana the day after the fire in his mother's shed.
Et faire vos devoirs au dernier moment. Tu montres le mauvais exemple á ton frére.
You always could do your work at the last minute, but you're setting a bad example for your big brother.
Le principal démystificateur du pays s'avére avoir un demi-frére á moitié extraterrestre?
Country's leading debunker turns out to have a half-alien half brother?
Mous laissez votre grande gueule de frére se ramasser :
Your loudmouth brother's gonna ride both sides of this alien thing all the way to the bank.
Ca ressemble aux glyphes des fouilles en Alaska, celles où mon frére est mort.
They look like the glyphs from that excavation site in Alaska, the one where my brother died.
Motre frére a retourné sa veste et est devenu un adepte.
I understand your brother has switched sides, that he's now a believer.
L'ombre du grand-frére.
Big brother shadow.
Le soleil se léve et se couche sur mon frére Sam.
Sun rose and set on my brother Sam.
Ce que je peux te dire, c'est que votre frére serait jaloux.
ERIC : Let me put it to you this way... Your brother would be very jealous.
Ton frére n'a pas aidé.
- You and your brother didn't help.
Je voulais te charmer avec mon honnêteté et m'informer sur ton frére mais ça a tourné autrement.
I meant to charm you with my honesty and find out all I could about your brother, but that's not how it worked out.
Les camions partent demain soir, passent par le désert pour éviter ton frére et ses amis qui lui écrivent.
The trucks are leaving Groom Lake tomorrow night, sneaking out across the desert to avoid your brother and his friends by the mailbox.
Je te jure que ton frére a tord.
Becky, I swear to you that your brother's wrong.
Je pensais que tu étais le genre de frére qui n'a pas vraiment besoin de marques de luxe ou de conneries comme Armani ou Prada.
'Cause I thought you was the type of brother that ain't really need no fancy labels or no Armani Prada bullshit.