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Translate.vc / Fransızca → İngilizce / Glo

Glo Çeviri İngilizce

127 parallel translation
À l'intérieur, vous y trouverez une généreuse rémunération mensuelle, une carte vous indiquant notre position actuelle, et quelques lettres de recommandations.... à présenter à votre prochain heureux employeur.
Inside you will find a month's generous remuneration, a map containing a clue as to your present whereabouts, and a set of day-glo references... To present to your next lucky employer.
- Montre-lui la tienne.
- Glo, show him yours.
Salut, Glo.
Bye, Glo, see you.
Réveillons les enfants. On va repeindre la voiture. Comme quand on était hippie.
Let's get the kids up, and we'll paint the car different colors... kind of Day-Glo, like we used to do when we were kinda freaky.
Tu as peint ton van et laissé pousser tes cheveux pour Cookie Gurnich.
You only painted your van Day-Glo colors and grew your hair long... to impress Cookie Gurnich.
Tu devrais mettre tes boots oranges fluo.
You should wear your Day-Glo orange moon boots.
Éclat de l'âme Simple comme bonjour. Laisse ton âme rayonner
One, two, three... ( SOUL GLO JINGLE PLAYS )
Laisse ton âme rayonner, bébé
- Comment ça va, chez Éclat de l'âme?
- How's everything at Soul Glo?
Le prince d'Éclat de l'âme?
- The Prince of Soul Glo?
Heureusement, il y avait Don Cleveland, le meilleur producteur, le seul à pas me donner la gerbe.
Thank God for Don Cleveland. He was the best producer in the biz, the only guy in the industry I could talk to without vomiting Day-Glo.
Des gadgets comme des véhicules d'intervention et des gilets Day-Glo.
Toys like battering ram tanks and day-glo body armor.
C'est pas Day-Glo.
It's not day-glo.
Yo, tout est nickel.
Yo, everything is Mop glo, Mom.
Dieu merci pour M. Moon Glo.
Thank God for Mr. Moon Glo.
Qui aurait cru un mec de 20 ans, sous pression et qui avait bu trop de Moon Glo?
Who'd believe a 20-year-old kid under too much pressure and too much Moon Glo?
Glo * ire à la Synthio * tique.
Hail, Synthiotics.
Cette sauce vert fluo à la menthe qui ne partait pas au lavage.
That Day-Glo green mint sauce that just doesn't wash out.
Allons, Ray-glo.
Come here, Rayleigh.
- Salut, Glo.
- Hi, Glo.
Va voir si le docteur Mop'n Glo est là.
Go see if Dr. Mop-N-Glo is still here.
Qui ça?
- Dr. Mop-N-Glo? - Who?
Maudite cire!
Damn you, Mop N'Glo.
40 hectolitres de Mop and Glo.
1,000 gallons of Mop Glo.
40 hectolitres de Mop and Glo?
1,000 gallons of Mop Glo?
Il nous faut plus qu'une bactérie pour le faire condamner.
And we need a lot more than Day-Glo bacteria to get a conviction.
Il est même venu ici pour voir Gloria.
Even came in here a couple of times, went straight to Glo's station.
Une fois, Tommy est entré et il parlait à Glo.
One time Tommy came in and he was talking to Glo...
Il y a une semaine, Glo l'a très mal pris.
About a week ago. Glo took it hard.
Bonsoir, Gloria.
Hey, Glo.
Est-ce un... effet secondaire des bénitiers fluorescents?
Is this a... side-effect of the day-glo clams?
- Répauchement du glo?
Gwobal wap-Po?
- Sous-vêtements fluo, mate un peu.
- Sister, Day-Glo Underwear, look into it.
Au fait, Gloria... ton rouge à lèvres est génial.
By the way, Glo, that lipstick is the bomb.
Et on ira tous bouffer les pissenlits par la racine.
And we're all pushing up day-glo daisies.
- Pour commencer, des dominos, modèle classique ou fluorescent.
Classic and Day-Glo.
S / ca seta / t su, cela aura / t fa / t ma glo / re.
If anyone knew, I'd be a celebrity overnight.
Tu connais Healthglo?
Um, you know Health-Glo?
C'est lui, Healthglo.
That's him. My dad is Health-Glo.
Regarde ça. Healthglo!
Look at this, Health-Glo.
- Quoi, les Healthglo?
- What, Health-Glo?
Merci, Glo.
Oh, thanks, Glo.
- Glo, elle était mariée à mon cousin.
- Glo, she was married to my cousin. - I know.
La seule bonne nouvelle que j'annonce, c'est : "Au fait, savez-vous que le tube dans votre gorge existe aussi en rose fluo?"
The best news I ever get to give everybody, anybody, ever, is, "By the way, ma'am, were you aware that that breathing tube in your neck also comes in day-glo pink?"
Bonne nuit, Marty!
- Night, Marty. - Night, Glo.
Mais, parole de P.O., sa nouvelle ligne de linge Day-Glo... fera dire aux fans : "Ho-o-o!"
But take it from P.O., her new line of Day-Glo Faygo... will make fans say, "Ho-o-o!"
C'était la mode des groupes aux cravates fines et aux couleurs criardes.
They started having, you know, all these, like, what they used to call "skinny tie bands," all the "day-glo bands" 'cause they were all wearing those neon colors.
- Mais Michael n'est pas chez lui, Gloria.
- The boy isn't in the house, Glo.
Le po * isso * n-glo * be.
Puffer fish.
Va dire à Matt que son chéri est là.
... the liposuction, filled two bin liners! Glo, put out a call for Matt, his bit of roughs arrived.
- Salut Ray-glo.
- Hey, Ray.

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