Hã Çeviri İngilizce
286 parallel translation
Hà ©, regarde à § a
Hey, check this out
HÃ ©, debout!
Hey, get up!
HÃ ©, les enfants, il est heureux, le temps slappy!
Hey, kids, it's happy, slappy time!
HÃ ©, Mike, passer!
Hey, Mike, pass!
Hà ©, gamin, vous êtes nouveau ici, non?
Hey, kid, you're new here, right?
Hà ©, garà § on, venir le chercher!
Hey, boy, come and get it!
Stewart, ne pas essayer d'être un hà © ros.
Stewart, don't try to be a hero.
HÃ ©, sors.
Hey, get out.
Hà © las, comment morne serait le monde s'il n'y avait pas de Pà ¨ re Noà " l.
Alas, how dreary would the world be if there were no Santa Claus.
Hà ©, donne-moi à § a.
Hey, gimme that.
- Hà ©, mon garà § on.
- Hey, boy.
- HÃ ©, mon pote.
- Hey, Buddy.
- HÃ ©, tout va bien maintenant!
- Hey, all right now!
HÃ ©, sors de lÃ!
Hey, get out of there!
Hà ©, les gars, j'ai une idà © e.
Hey, fellas, I got an idea.
- HÃ ©, mon pote!
- Hey, Buddy!
- Hà ©, bon garà § on.
- Hey, good boy.
- HÃ ©, Blue!
- Hey, Blue!
HÃ ©, par ici.
Hey, over here.
- HÃ ©!
- Hey!
HÃ ©, Ray, pense vite!
Hey, Ray, think fast!
- HÃ ©...
- Hey
HÃ ©, reviens ici.
Hey, get back here
HÃ ©, nous devons te sortir d'ici. Allez.
Hey, we've got to get you out of here Come on
HÃ ©, mec.
Hey, man
HÃ ©, Raymond.
Hey, Raymond
Hà ©, hà ©, hà ©.
Hey, hey, hey
Bon, hà ©, attends une seconde,
All right, hey, hang on one sec,
Hà ©, les gars, at-elle quelque chose contre les vêtements de fille?
Hey, guys, does she have something against girl's clothes?
Hà ©, que diriez-vous si nous faisons ce que... ce que Liz D. suggà ¨ re?
Hey, how about if we do what what Liz D from Skokie suggests?
Hà ©, oà ¹ vas-tu?
Hey, where you going?
HÃ ©, les gars, je vous retrouve plus tard.
Hey, guys, I'll catch up with you
HÃ ©, qu'est-ce que c'est?
Hey, what are those?
HÃ ©, Ray.
Hey, Ray
Hà ©, hà ©.
Hey, hey
HÃ ©, les filles.
Hey, you guys
- HÃ ©, repose-la. Allez.
- Hey, put her down Come on
- HÃ ©, tu sais quoi?
- Hey, you know what?
- HÃ ©. - Salut.
- Hey
HÃ ©... pleures-tu? Oui.
Hey are you crying?
HÃ ©, les filles.
Hey, girls
Il y a des gars qui hà © sitent.
Hey, I heard that some of the guys are wavering.
- Qui hà ¨ sitent?
- Wavering?
Qui hà ¨ site?
Who's wavering, Tom?
En fait, j'ai hà ¢ te d'arriver à mercredi.
In fact, I can not wait to get to Wednesday.
Mon ami hà © tà © ro, Jeremy.
My friend hetero, Jeremy.
- Bienvenue à Tà © hà © ran.
Welcome to Teheran.
C'est un hà © ros.
He's a hero.
Les meetings politiques fleurissaient et les ennemis d'hier.. .. à © taient devenus des hà © ros de la nation.
Political meetings were increasing and yesterday's enemies had become heroes of the nation.
- HÃ ©!
- HÃ ©.
- Hey