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Translate.vc / Fransızca → İngilizce / Janey

Janey Çeviri İngilizce

496 parallel translation
Ils s'embrassaient, Janey.
They were kissing, Janey.
C'est toi, Janey.
It's you, Janey.
Tu m'a manqué aussi, Janey.
I missed you, too, Janey.
Ce n'était rien, Janey.
It was nothing, Janey.
Allez, Janey!
Come on, Janey!
Tu m'as manqué aussi, Janey.
I missed you, too, Janey.
que c'est toi, Janey.
that it's you, Janey.
Oui, redonne, c'est le miroir de Janie.
Yeah, that's Janey's mirror!
C'est un garçon plein de vie.
Well, he's a - he's a spunky kid, Janey.
C'était un père pour les siens.
He took such good care of his mother and sister. Janey said he was like a father to them.
Je t'ai dit de rendre cette poupée et de rapporter la tienne.
Virginia. Virginia, didn't I tell you an hour ago... to take that doll home to Janey's and bring back yours?
Reste tranquille.
Janey, stop fidgeting!
Ça ne sert à rien, Janey. Je ne t'ai pas appelée pour en parler... surtout pas d'une cabine téléphonique.
I didn't call to argue the matter again... particularly over a public phone.
David, ne t'en va pas.
[Janey's Voice] David, don't go away.
Janey, mon épouse, est tombée amoureuse d'un autre homme.
Janey, my wife, fell in love with another man.
Elle ra pas le droit de -
- [Janey] Hello?
Allo, Janey?
Hello, Janey?
Janey, j'ai beaucoup réfléchi... et en l'état des choses... si ça te convient - - Saute dans l'avion. - Quoi?
Well, Janey, I've been thinking about it... and the way things are, if - if it's all right with you [Janey] You get on that plane.
N'attends pas le train.
- What? [Janey] Don't - Don't you wait for the train.
- Tu le sais, Janey.
- [Trask] You know I do, Janey.
Les filles et moi on sera là pour t'accueillir.
[Janey] The girls and I can come down to meet you.
Après, je pourrai aller chez Janey et emprunter ses poupées?
Well, when it is, can I go over to Janey's house and borrow her dolls?
Jane prend sa collection de cailloux dans le sien.
I can just see you staying in bed all day. Janey says she's gonna take her rock collection to bed with her.
Janey a le droit de tout faire.
Oh, Janey gets everything!
Ce n'est pas ce que tu crois Janey girl.
No, no, it's not what you think, Janey girl.
Mais non Janey gir...
But it's not, Janey gir- -
Danny, tu sais où est Jane?
Danny, do you know where Janey is?
Je l'aimais. Tu l'aimais?
I loved janey reardon.
Deux ans de taule pour ce coup-là, et quand on est sortis, Janie Riordan était mariée et partie.
Two years we spent in the pen on that one. And, when we got out, janey reardon had gotten married and moved away.
Vas-y, Jane, mets-en leur plein la vue.
Attagirl, Janey. Show them how.
- Janey, je t'ai dit... - Je veux une glace!
- Janey, I told you - - l want it!
Ça suffit.
Janey, that's enough.
Je suis couchée. Je viens.
- Coming, Janey.
Regarde, c'est écrit :
It's written down, candy for Janey. Huh?
"Bonbons pour Janey".
Janey, va jouer dehors. Toi aussi, tu dois être contente.
Well, I saw the paper with my very own eyes.
Vous parlez du retour de Harry?
And I'll bet you're pleased too, aren't you, little Janey? Go on, Janey.
Je ne veux pas bouleverser Janey. Elle croit son père mort.
Folks are always saying what a pity you never get into town.
Vous ne savez pas ce qu'il a affiché partout?
I don't want Janey upset.
Ce qui compte, c'est moi, Janey et toi.
You said you'd come back.
C'était ton plan pour pouvoir repartir.
I care about me and Janey and you!
Une seconde, Janey.
Just a second.
Janey, finis ce que tu as à faire et amène-toi.
Why don't you finish what you're doing and get your ass over here?
Appelez-moi Janey, comme tous mes amis.
Call me Janey. All my friends do.
Six mois plus tard, à nouveau au trou, et ce policier ne pouvait pas plus pour toi que Janie Riordan.
Six months later, you were in jail again, and that parole officer couldn't help you any more than janey reardon could.
Rentre, Janey.
Go on inside, Janey.
Ça va troubler Janey.
I don't want Janey upset. As far as she knows, her father is dead.
Allez, Janey, va dehors.
Carl said he recognised him in town today, but I said that wasn't possible, because we hadn't even come to town in those days.
Pour moi et pour Janey. C'est pour ça que je suis revenu.
But you want him to, don't you?

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