/ Fransızca → İngilizce / Jimmie
Jimmie Çeviri İngilizce
365 parallel translation
Jimmie, son petit ami, me l'a dit.
Why, uh, Jimmie, her... Her boyfriend told me.
Jimmie Powers.
Jimmie Powers.
Tu rigoles, Jimmie?
You trying to kid me, Jimmie?
Vous voulez dire que vous n'êtes pas Jimmie Powers?
You mean to tell me you're notJimmie Powers?
Si vous n'êtes pas Jimmie Powers, je mange votre chapeau.
Say, if you aren'tJimmie Powers, I'll- - I'll eat your hat.
Je ne suis pas du tout M.Jimmie - Comment
I am not Mr.Jimmie, uh, uh- - what was it, uh-
Très bien, Jimmie, allons-y.
All right, Jimmie, let's go.
- Salut, Jimmie.
Hello, Jimmie.
Jimmie, l'Atlantique semble bien calme quand tu n'y batifoles pas.
Jimmie, the Atlantic Ocean seems rather quiet without you splashing about.
- Bonjour, Jimmie.
- Hello, Mary.
- Comment vas-tu, Jimmie?
- Hello, Jimmie.
- Boucles ïor a eu une idée charmante.
- A benefit? For whom? - Curly had the most charming idea, Jimmie.
- Tu es vraiment gentil.
- Jimmie, you're pretty swell, but I...
Je ne te permettrai pas de parler de lui ainsi.
Jimmie... I won't let you talk about him that way.
Elle est dehors avec Jimmie, n'est-ce pas?
She, uh... she went out somewhere with Jimmie, didn't she?
J'ignorais que tu avais remarqué Jimmie.
Why, Edward, I didn't know you'd ever noticed Jimmie.
Je pense que Jimmie Rogers demandera Mary en mariage avant la fin de l'été.
I believe that Jimmie Rogers means to propose to Mary before the summer is over.
- Je n'en doute pas.
- I believe you, Jimmie.
- Mary, je voudrais vous parler.
- Jimmie, will you pardon me? - Mary, I want to talk to you alone.
Je veux lui dire.
- Jimmie. I want to tell him.
Je suis sûr que vous trouverez le bonheur.
I'm sure that you and Jimmie will find real happiness.
- Je le pense du fond du coeur.
- I mean it, Jimmie, every word of it.
Mary a dit que j'allais vivre chez Jimmie.
Mary said that I was going to live in Jimmie's house.
Ça veut dire que Jimmie m'épouse aussi?
Does that mean Jimmie's getting married to me too?
- Je ne veux pas épouser Jimmie. - Pourquoi?
- I don't want to get married to Jimmie.
Mary et Jimmie sont fiancés.
It so happens that Mary's engaged to Jimmie.
Je n'étais pas amoureuse de Jimmie.
I wasn't really in love with Jimmie.
[Mrs. Clinton] Jimmie.!
Jimmie, conduis-moi en ville.
Jimmie, you have to drive me into town.
Voici Jimmy Sheelds, notre pilote.
This is Mr. Jimmie Shields, our pilot.
Pilote : Jimmy Sheelds. Destination :
The plane was cleared by pilot Jimmie Shields for New York.
New York. Jimmy Sheelds?
- Jimmie Shields?
Tâchez de savoir où est Jimmy Sheelds.
Mike, call up the pilot's room. See if they know where Jimmie Shields is.
Nous voudrions voir M. Jimmy Sheelds.
We'd like to see Mr. Jimmie Shields, please.
Vous cherchez Jimmy Sheelds?
- Are you looking for Jimmie Shields? - Yes, we are.
Nous cherchons seulement M. Sheelds.
We're looking for a friend, Jimmie Shields.
Excusez-moi un instant. - Jimmy a eu un accident?
- What's wrong with Jimmie, a crackup?
Jimmy rentre ce soir et vous dira le reste.
When Jimmie gets back from Boston tonight, he'll tell the whole story. I see.
Quand Jimmy arrivera, je lui dirai où vous êtes allés.
Jimmie'll call me, and I'll tell him you're here. Meanwhile, watch out for Sargent.
- Salut, Jimmie.
- Hiya, Jimmie.
- Pour sûr.
- You bet your life, Jimmie.
C'est Jimmie Ringo.
Jimmie Ringo.
- Heureux de te revoir.
- Nice to see you again, Jimmie.
- C'est Jimmie Ringo.
- He's Jimmie Ringo, Eddie.
C'est Jimmie Ringo.
This is Jimmie Ringo.
Et alors, on devrait se mettre à genoux?
So it's Jimmie Ringo. Is everybody supposed to fall on their knees?
Bonjour, Mary.
- Jimmie.
- Bonsoir. - Jimmie, voulez-vous bien m'excuser?
- Oh, hello, Mr Morgan.
Je comprends.
I understand, Jimmie.
- Tu veux dire comme Jimmie et Mary?
- You mean like Jimmie and Mary?
- Parler.
You Jimmie's friend?