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Translate.vc / Fransızca → İngilizce / Johnnie

Johnnie Çeviri İngilizce

651 parallel translation
"Johnnie s'est-il enrôlé?"
Did Johnnie enlist?
Votre père croit que Johnny est votre...
I know what your father thought. He thought Johnnie was your...
Mais qu'il nous laisse tranquilles.
But you'd better tell your father to leave Johnnie and me alone.
C'est vous et Johnny.
Of all the families, you and Johnnie...
Johnny, on rentre à la maison.
Come on, Johnnie. We're going home.
Laissez-moi faire... et vous obtiendrez des résultats.
If you'll give Johnnie Gallegher a free hand... you'll get what you want out of them.
Rappelez-vous... pas d'intervention.
Johnnie Gallegher's your man, miss. But remember... no questions and no interference.
- Hello, Johnnie!
Johnnie, lui, rentrer.
This one, boss, and this one. Just come in, Johnnie.
Moi pas manger patates, Johnnie.
This one, boss, he no eat potatoes. One year, Johnnie.
M'appelle pas Johnnie.
Stop calling me Johnnie!
J'ai vu l'eau sur le fourneau, je me suis dit :
I find the water on the stove and dinner cooking. I say, " Johnnie, you're in luck.
Du trappeur Johnnie Barras à son père, Napoléon Barras.
Trapper Johnnie Barras is anxious to send a message to his father, Napoleon Barras, of...
Bravo, Johnnie.
Nice work, Johnnie!
Tu retardes.
You're a wee bit late, Johnnie, my lad.
- Un petit verre?
- What about a wee drink, Johnnie, eh?
- Stay where you are.
Johnnie, mon gars!
Johnnie, my son.
Johnnie, depuis un jour.
Trapper Johnnie. Stay one day.
Bonjour, Johnnie.
Good morning, Johnnie.
Á tout à l'heure.
See you later, Johnnie. Goodbye.
Oui, mais vous avez assez à faire.
Yes, but lay off, Johnnie. You've enough on your hands for one day.
- John a exigé qu'il vous soit présenté. - Pourquoi?
- Johnnie insisted on meeting you.
- Il est terrible!
- Isn't Johnnie terrible?
N'est-ce pas?
Aren't you, Johnnie?
- Bonjour, Ouistiti. - Bonjour, Johnnie.
- Hello, Monkeyface.
- Johnnie what?
Tu es extraordinaire!
That's true, I must say. Johnnie, you're a genius.
Réponds-moi, Johnnie.
Answer me, Johnnie.
Je le dis à Johnnie.
Wait a minute till I tell Johnnie.
Nous en parlions très sérieusement.
Yes, Johnnie and I were just having... a sober and comprehensive discussion of that very subject.
Johnnie, tu vas être content!
Johnnie, you'll be thrilled.
Et Johnnie aussi est ravi!
You've made Johnnie very happy, too.
John a dégoté une magnifique maison géorgienne!
Hello. It's a nice place old Johnnie's got here.
- Vous êtes la femme de Johnnie?
- You must be old Johnnie's wife.
Moi de même.
Johnnie told me about you, too.
Depuis qu'il travaille, il ne va plus aux courses.
Johnnie has a job. He couldn't have been at the races.
Quel farceur, ce Johnnie!
He has, has he? Don't you believe it, not Johnnie.
Ne vous en faites pas.
He's a great lad, he is. You mustn't mind Johnnie cutting up.
Il faut le prendre comme il est!
That's what makes him Johnnie.
C'est Johnnie! Ce ne peut être que lui!
That Johnnie, he'll be the death of me.
- Je parie qu'il les a vendues!
- I bet you 20-to-1 that Johnnie sold them.
Il a perdu un paquet à Newburgh.
Johnnie dropped a packet of money at Newbury, I can tell you that.
Et les books ne font pas crédit aux gars comme Johnnie!
These bookies don't trust a chap for long. Not a chap like Johnnie, that is.
Johnnie est un type formidable.
After all, it's Johnnie.
Pour admirer l'artiste, évoquez simplement les chaises.
If you want to see Johnnie at his very best... just say something about chairs.
Les amis de John sont les bienvenus, tant qu'ils sont ses amis...
Johnnie's friends are always welcome, as long as they remain Johnnie's friends.
- Comment va Johnnie?
- Yes, I am. - How's Johnnie?
- C'est encore Johnnie?
- Must be about old Johnnie.
- Partons.
- Johnnie.
- Que fais-tu ici?
- Johnnie, how are you? - What are you doing here?

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