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Translate.vc / Fransızca → İngilizce / Krämer

Krämer Çeviri İngilizce

1,649 parallel translation
Kramer nous a parlé de votre association.
So Kramer told us all about your business venture together.
Je t'ai déjà parlé de ma mère?
Kramer, did I ever tell you about my mother?
C'est quoi, ça?
Kramer, what is this?
Voilà la pâtisserie.
Oh, Kramer, that's the bakery. Stop here.
Où sont George et Kramer?
Where is George and Kramer?
Ts le mérites.
- Goodbye. - Hey. - Oh, you must be Kramer.
èèJèaèrais du lui clouer le beè.Je me suis retenu pour Kramer.
Hey, wanna come over for dinner tonight? My mother made all this extra paella. Paella?
Pourquoi pas? Pas de raison. è
You know, I've been thinking why is Kramer getting 25 percent?
Kramer a trouvé l'orteil, et ils l'ont recousu.
Hey. - Good evening. - Hope you're hungry.
- Je crois.
Kramer. - I love that shirt. - Oh, yeah.
C'est merveilleux.
Hold it. Kramer, you missed a couple.
Kramer m'a ouvert les yeux.
We'll call you when we get home. Thank you.
Qu'est-ce que tu racontes?
Make sure Kramer uses good tape to send back the raincoats. - Okay. - Bye.
J'ai une dette à payer.
Kramer, there's always a price to pay for just a sexual dalliance.
Si tu as encore ces douleurs, fais-toi examiner!
Kramer, if you keep getting these attacks you should see the doctor and have it checked out.
- Non, là.
- Kramer, it's that- -
Emmène-le chez toi.
Kramer, could you do this at home?
Kramer, M. Pitt a du travail.
Kramer, that's enough. Mr. Pitt has got work to do.
- Qu'y a-t-il?
- Kramer, what's wrong?
Ca ne va pas?
- Kramer, are you okay?
- Kramer, you're still on this?
Les types comme toi, sans scrupules, ne peuvent pas comprendre.
Kramer, you know, guys like you with no conscience don't know what it's like for guys like me.
Rappelle-moi de le dire à Kramer.
Touch them.
Sacré Kramer!
- Me?
Parce que c'est comme ça.
I held back because of Kramer.
Merci pour le homard, Kramer.
All the comedians say, "What if I came to your work and heckled you?"
Dites-moi, Kramer, d'où viennent ces homards?
Toby. Toby!
Je pense que tu penses que quelque chose n'est pas à la hauteur, alors qu'en fait, il est plus qu'à la hauteur.
Well, it's a valuable appendage. So Kramer found the toe, and they reattached it.
Ce ne serait pas kascher. Allons, Kramer.
Because of her pinkie toe, that's why.
Allons, Kramer.
- Sure, the pinkie toe is cute but I mean, what is it?
Ces œufs brouillés sont exquis.
- Yes, I heard, Kramer. - I work there, remember?
J'ai failli goûter le homard, mais Kramer m'en a empêché.
He agreed to come down tonight and write another article.
Comment Michael a-t-il pu dénoncer Kramer?
He's got a gun! Get out of the way!
La prochaine fois que tu la vois, demande-lui si elle connaît Kelly.
You know, Kramer, the next time you talk to her find out if she knows Kelly from Monk's.
Ils vont publier le livre de Kramer?
Are they publishing Kramer's coffee table book? Yeah.
Chers téléspectateurs, veuillez applaudir Kramer.
Anyway, if you will, would you please welcome Kramer.
Quand je skie, j'essaye de ne pas me tuer.
- When I'm skiing, Kramer I'm trying not to kill myself.
Entrez, Kramer.
- Kramer, come in.
- Kramer, I'm sorry.
C'est vrai, Kramer?
Kramer, is this true?
Sans oublier le livre de Kramer.
Not to mention the end of Kramer's book.
Laisse tomber.
- Kramer, forget it.
Tu ne peux pas continuer à l'éviter, tu dois lui parler.
Kramer, you can't keep avoiding her like this. - You have to say something.
C'est une idée de Kramer.
Kramer thought it would make her happy.
- Elle est mannequin!
- Kramer, she's a model.
- Non.
- No. - Kramer.
Je dois savoir si Nina vomit.
Kramer, Kramer, I need to know if Nina is refunding.
Tu devras la revoir un jour!
Kramer, you're gonna have to face her sometime.
Comment ça s'est passé?
So, what happened with Kramer's mother?
C'est une Kramer!
- Oh, she's a Kramer.

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