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Translate.vc / Fransızca → İngilizce / Malloy

Malloy Çeviri İngilizce

541 parallel translation
Merci, monsieur Malloy.
Thank you, Mr. Malloy.
- Bonjour, monsieur Malloy.
Good morning, Mr. Malloy.
- Tenez, monsieur Malloy.
Here you are, Mr. Malloy.
Je serai dans mon bureau si vous désirez autre chose, M. Malloy.
Mr. Malloy, if you want any further information, I'll be in my office.
Comment allez-vous, monsieur Malloy?
Well, how are you, Mr. Malloy?
- Monsieur Malloy.
Mr. Malloy.
- Merci, monsieur Malloy.
Thank you, Mr. Malloy.
Devrions-nous aussi dire aux médias qu'il travaille pour la compagnie Malloy?
May I suggest that we inform the press that he is an employee of the Malloy Company?
De la part de monsieur Malloy.
From Mr. Malloy.
Il a perdu son emploi, et cet après-midi, il s'est fait un plaisir de mentir à monsieur Malloy et aux médias en leur disant que ma douce mère avait subi un empoisonnement alcoolique et qu'elle était morte comme une ivrogne.
He's lost his position with the firm, and this afternoon he took a fiendish pleasure in telling Mr. Malloy and the newspapermen that my dear, sweet mother had died of alcoholic poisoning, and had gone to a drunkard's grave.
Papa, as-tu dit à monsieur Malloy et aux médias que Mme Neselrode était décédée et qu'elle était morte comme une ivrogne?
Dad, did you tell Mr. Malloy and the newspapers that Mrs. Neselrode died of alcoholic poisoning and went to a drunkard's grave?
J'ai discuté avec monsieur Malloy, et comme monsieur Wolfinger est avec la compagnie depuis plus de 20 ans, il croit que si monsieur Wolfinger revient au bureau et oublie la lutte, il pourrait reprendre son ancien travail.
Mr. Malloy has spoken to me, and inasmuch as Mr. Wolfinger's been with the firm for more than two decades, he thinks that if Mr. Wolfinger will return to work and forget wrestling, Mr. Malloy will accept my suggestion that he return to his old position.
Monsieur Malloy m'a dit que comme votre père travaille ici depuis si longtemps, il peut lui offrir 75 $ par semaine.
Mr. Malloy has just informed me that on account of his long association with your father he can offer $ 75 a week.
Monsieur Malloy lui offre la même chose.
Mr. Malloy will meet the offer.
Mollie Malloy.
Miss Mollie Malloy.
- Mollie Malloy.
- Miss Mollie Malloy.
Alors, sortira de la vie de Mollie... le seul être pur qu'elle ait rencontré. "
And out of Mollie Malloy's life will go the one kindly soul she ever knew ".
- Mollie Malloy.
- Me, Mollie Malloy.
Avec Malloy.
With Malloy, then.
Moose Malloy.
On account of I'm large.
Vous avez entendu parler de moi?
- Moose Malloy. You heard of me, maybe?
Du travail d'amateur.
A bright third grader could have done it, but not Malloy.
Où avez-vous pêché Malloy?
Where did you pick up Malloy?
- Malloy.
- Malloy.
Frank Malloy, vigile.
Frank Malloy. Occupation : bank guard.
La balle qui a tué le vigile Malloy est envoyée au laboratoire du FBI à Washington.
The bullet that killed Frank Malloy, the bank guard... was forwarded to the F.B.I. laboratory in Washington.
Un nommé Robert Danker, arrêté par le FBI est identifié comme étant l'assassin de Frank Malloy et comme celui d'Helen Jannings.
In a police lineup in Center City... a suspect named Robert Danker, picked up by the F.B.I.... was identified by several bank clerks as the killer of Frank Malloy... and by David Jannings as the murderer of his wife.
Nous sommes convaincus que l'un de ces gangs a tué Malloy, Mme Jannings et Danker.
And as I say, we're convinced that one of those new gangs... is responsible for the murders of Malloy... the Jannings girl and Danker.
Identique aux balles trouvées sur les victimes.
"Barrel markings identical with murder bullets removed... " from victims Frank Malloy and Helen Jannings.
Non, Malloy n'est pas encore là.
No, Malloy hasn't checked in yet.
- Mais Malloy m'attend.
- But I'm due at Malloy's tonight.
Malloy sera aussi là.
Malloy will be there, too.
- Où est "duke" Malloy?
Where's Duke Malloy?
James Duke Malloy, quatorze arrestations... recherché pour vol, attaque à main armée, coups et blessures...
James Duke Malloy. 14 arrests. Everything from robbery to assault and battery.
Je pense que quelqu'un le lui a fait faire.
I believe Malloy. Somebody made him do it.
Pourquoi est - ce que Duke Malloy a tué sa gosse?
Why did Duke Malloy kill his girl?
Vous connaissez un "duke" Malloy?
You know anybody named Duke Malloy?
Qui est "duke" malloy?
Who is Duke Malloy?
Qu'est - ce que vous voulez savoir?
What do you want to know? - About Duke Malloy.
Duke Malloy, qui est - ce?
- Who was he? He was a schlammer.
Je te redemande : pourquoi Duke Malloy a tué sa copine?
Now, I asked you once before, why did Duke Malloy kill his girl?
Duke Malloy, pendu!
Duke Malloy, hanged.
Vous connaissez Terry Malloy?
Do you know Terry Malloy?
C'est vous, Terry Malloy, n'est-ce pas?
Say, you're Terry Malloy, aren't you?
- On se reverra, M. Malloy.
- We'll be seeing you again, Mr. Malloy.
Ma fille marchant au bras de Terry Malloy.
My daughter walking arm in arm with Terry Malloy.
M. Malloy, j'espérais vous trouver ici.
Mr. Malloy, I was hoping I might find you here.
Vous êtes cité à comparaître, M. Malloy.
You're being served with a subpoena, Mr. Malloy.
Nous voulons juste la vérité, M. Malloy.
All we want you to do, Mr. Malloy, is tell the truth.
- M. Malloy.
- Mr. Malloy.

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