Ní Çeviri İngilizce
5 parallel translation
On n'avaít pas le droít de faíre cecí. ní cela.
You could not do thís and you could not do that.
Je n'avaís pas le droít d'aller au cínéma. ní de prendre un tramway.
I couldn't go to the movíes or ríde ín an automobíle or even on a streetcar.
Mon seulement parce que ) e n'en aí ) amaís tenu... maïs parce que ní moí. ní personne d'autre d'aílleurs...
Mot only because I have never done so before but because ít seems to me. neíther I. nor for that matter anyone else wíll be ínterested ín the unbosomíngs of a 13-year-old schoolgírl.
ní courír. críer. sauter...
Mever to run and shout and jump.
ní respírer de l'aïr fraís.
Mever to breathe fresh aír.