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Translate.vc / Fransızca → İngilizce / Overreacting

Overreacting Çeviri İngilizce

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- Vous dramatisez.
- You're overreacting.
- Je pense que tu dramatises.
- You're overreacting.
J'admire votre flegme.
- I'm glad you're not overreacting.
Ma chérie, tu dramatises.
Jeanie? Sweetheart, you're overreacting.
Mon amour, tu dramatises.
Richard, dove, you're overreacting.
Hilary, tu ne crois pas que tu en fais un peu trop?
Hilary, don't you think you're overreacting just a tad?
Alyssa, vous vous faites des idées.
Alyssa, I think you're overreacting.
- Là, vous allez un peu loin...
- I think you're overreacting.
- Tu dramatises encore.
- You're overreacting again.
Votre famille, vos amis vous disent que vous exagérez, que tout est dans votre tête.
Your family and friends tell you that you're overreacting... that it's all in your head.
Tu exagères.
You're overreacting.
Le MCF est un peu sévère, non?
Isn't the FCA overreacting a little?
Mais il faut admettre que Nilani avait tendance à dramatiser.
Nilani did do her share of overreacting.
Puis je vous ai vues ensemble sur le Defiant.
I thought he was overreacting but then I saw the way the two of you were acting on the Defiant.
Tu dramatises.
You're overreacting.
Et voir Ray embrasser une autre femme, c'était... quelque chose de nouveau.
- Not like this, it isn't. Come on, you're overreacting. I am not overreacting!
- Tu dramatises. - Non!
- You're overreacting.
Mon coeur, mon coeur... bébé, mon ange, tu dramatises.
Sweetheart, sweetheart... Oh, baby, angel puff, you're overreacting!
En partant du principe que vous n'exagérez pas... je ne sais pas.
Well, assuming you're not overreacting I don't know.
Je ne parle pas de ça. Ton cœur est brisé et tu en fais un peu trop.
You're heart is broken, and you're overreacting.
Tu prends les choses trop à cœur.
You're overreacting, Doug.
Il trouve qu'elle exagère et elle qu'il dirige sa vie.
He thinks she's overreacting. She thinks he's trying to run her life.
Mais vous dramatisez un peu.
But I think you're overreacting to the situation.
Cesse de dramatiser.
Will you stop overreacting?
- Tu dramatises.
- You're overreacting.
- Pas du tout!
- I'm not overreacting!
Tu n'en rajoutes pas un peu?
Don't you think you're overreacting just a little bit?
- Comme toujours, tu exagères.
Overreacting as usual.
- Vous exagérez.
- You're overreacting.
On dramatise.
We are totally overreacting.
On dramatise trop.
Are we overreacting?
Tout le monde en fait trop.
Everyone's overreacting.
Tu exagères tout le temps!
You're always overreacting!
Tu en fais trop.
You know £ ¬ you're overreacting.
Beaucoup trop.
completely overreacting.
Je crois que tu exagères un peu.
I think you're overreacting just a little?
Je ne veux pas que vous dramatisiez.
- My point is... I don't want you overreacting.
Vous vous bilez trop.
- I think you're overreacting.
- Tu exagères, chéri.
- You're overreacting, dear.
Tu paniques.
Don't you think you're overreacting?
J'admets qu'il réagit un peu trop fort... mais c'est parce que tu as crié contre lui.
All right. I admit he's overreacting a little... butwhat he's overreacting to is you yelling at him.
Tu vas trop loin.
You're overreacting.
Vous exagérez, major.
You're overreacting, major.
On ne peut pas lui en vouloir de sa réaction.
Well, you can't really blame him for overreacting.
- Mais pas du tout.
I am not overreacting.
Hyde, tu n'exagères pas un peu?
Hyde, don't you think you're overreacting just a little bit?
On se fait peut-être des idées.
Aren't we overreacting?
On va perdre tout... Tu dramatises.
I think you're overreacting.
- Ramène-le.
Don't you think you're overreacting a little bit?
Il n'exagérait pas.
He was not overreacting.
- Tu t'énerves pour rien.
You're overreacting.

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