Oü Çeviri İngilizce
108 parallel translation
On devait agir au moment oü il marcherait a la potence.
But we step in when he goes to the gallows.
" Pourvérifier la trappe par oü ton corpstombera.
# Just to check the trap for you # When they drop your body through
Oü sont-ils?
Tell me where they are.
Oü vas-tu?
- I'm taking your horse. - Where are you headed?
- Oü en est la cote?
Eight to three Hall doesn't hang.
- Oü l'as-tu pris? Je l'ai peché a la cuillére.
Fished it out of thin air with a spoon.
- Oü vas-tu? Réglercertaines petites affaires a la banque.
I have unfinished business at the bank.
Oü vous lui demandez de tuer.
Your personal invitation to Hall to commit murder.
- Je sais oü je suis. Avez-vous eu des problemes avec les Indiens?
You had any Indian trouble around here?
Oü allez-vous, Monsieur?
Where are you going, mister?
- Oü est votre pere?
Where's your pa?
Attention oü tu pointes cette arme.
Hey, careful where you're pointing that gun.
Je sais oü, vers un minable Yankee.
I know where I'm pointing it. At a no-good Yankee.
- Je sais, chérie. Mais... ce cheval nous emmenera la oü on pourra nous marier.
I know, darling, I know, but that horse... that horse will carry us to where there is one who can.
Ecoutez... sije vous dis oü trouver de l'or?
Look, supposing I... supposing I was to tell you where there was gold.
Il a dit : Oü?
He said where?
Oü avez-vous eu ce cheval?
Hey, where did you get that horse?
- Oü?
Obéissez, oü je vous y traîne.
You will obey if I have to drag you over there.
Oü va-t-il?
Where's he going?
Oü l'avez-vous arreté?
Er... where did you apprehend him?
Oü tu vois de l'argent, pauvre con?
- Silver rings, your butt. - Them is washers. Damn!
D'oü tu le sors, celui-Iá?
Where in the hell did you ever find him?
Oü est Mapache?
Where is Mapache?
Oü est Mapache? Je veux savoir.
You must tell me, where is Mapache?
Oü est passé mon cheval?
Where the hell is my horse?
Oü retrouve-t-on le Général?
- Where are they supposed to meet us?
Ou peut-être dans cette vallée oü le sol était si dur.
Unless it was in that valley where the ground was hard.
Je sais oü ils sont.
I could point to them now.
Donnez-moi mes 2500 $ et je vous dis oü sont les quatre caisses.
When I get my share of the gold, $ 2500 worth, I'll tell you where four cases are.
Au cas oü ils trouvent pas les caisses...
In case he don't find them...
Je me demande d'oü tu sors.
Pike must have found you under a rock.
Ils t'indiqueront oü il est.
They'll show you where he is.
D'abord l'oeuf parcourt la trompe vers l'utérus, oü il se fixe à la paroi...
First the egg travels down the fallopian tube to the uterus... where it attaches to the wall.
Chéri, donne-lui encore 10 dollars, au cas oü.
Honey, give her another $ 10, just in case.
Je devrais appeler, au cas oü...
Maybe I should make a call, just in case...
Butters, après le cinéma, oü papa est-il allé?
Butters, where did Daddy go after the movie? To the gym.
Papa, oü est-ce que tu fais du catch?
Dad! You wrestling in here? Dad?
Je suis oü là?
# Everyone knows it's Butters #
D'oü venez-vous?
Where are you from?
- Oü sont-ils?
Two miles out on the south road.
- Oü est Ellen Ballard?
Where's Ellen Ballard?
De l'or! Oü ça?
Where's that?
Oü est Kettle?
Where's Kettle?
Oü est-il?
One of them's gold - now where is it at?
- Mais nous savons oü en trouver.
And jewels...
Oü sont les gens?
Where people?
- Oü ça?
- Where?
C'est oü, ta fête? On pourrait passer, plus tard.
So, Laurie... where's the party?
Oü tu vas, là?
Where you going?