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Translate.vc / Fransızca → İngilizce / Richards

Richards Çeviri İngilizce

1,144 parallel translation
Mme Richards?
Mrs Richards?
Mme Richards.
Mrs Richards! Sorry.
- Mme Richards...
- Mrs Richards...
Mme Richards, nous le ferons dès que...
Mrs Richards, we will, the moment we've searched...
Bien, Mme Richards, voulez-vous utiliser le téléphone du bureau?
All right, Mrs Richards. Would you like to use the office phone?
Mme Richards.
Mrs Richards!
Je cherche les £ 10 manquants immédiatement, Mme Richards.
I'll look for the missing £ 10 immediately, Mrs Richards.
Dites à Mme Richards que j'avais cet argent hier.
Tell Mrs Richards. Tell her I had the money yesterday.
Vous avez une Mme Richards ici?
You got a Mrs Richards staying here?
Mme Richards.
Hello, Mrs Richards.
Polly, donnez ça à Mme Richards, voulez-vous?
Polly, give Mrs Richards this, would you?
Voilà votre magnifique vase, Mme Richards.
And this is your beautiful vase, Mrs Richards.
Je suis désolée, Mme Richards.
Oh, I am sorry, Mrs Richards.
- Boucle-la, Richards!
Shut it, Richards!
Encore un mot et tu seras au rapport!
I said, quiet, Richards! Another sound from you, and you're on report.
C'était qui, Richards?
Who was it, Richards? Who was it?
Banks et Richards t'ont dénoncé.
Banks and Richards have both named you.
- Arrête ton cirque.
- Oh, cut it out, Richards.
Hé, tu manques pas d'air, toi.
"Cut it out, Richards." You've got some front, ain't ya?
Je cherche un étudiant... Stuart Richards.
Yes, I'm trying to locate a student, Stuart Richards.
La dernière adresse de Stuart Richards...
Well, the last address I have on Stuart Richards- -
John L. Richards. A St Louis.
John L. Richards, St. Louis.
Je suis Christine Richards pour KSFB à Honolulu.
I'm Christine Richards for Honolulu's KSFB.
Tant que Christine Richards sera dans les parages.
- Only as long as we've got that Christine Richards hounding us.
Oui, d'infects richards!
Yeah, stinkin'rich!
Dave RicharDs, ancien coéquipier De Sam.
Hi. Dave Richards, an old team-mate of Sam's.
Mes camarades en ont assez de ces richards.
My boys and girls have had enough cowtowing to your privileged pigs in the private wing.
Ce qu'ils veulent, nos gros richards, ce sont les têtes d'affiche d'Europe!
Here, all people want for their money are the big names from Europe.
Le Dr Walter Rist essaie de sortir avec l'infirmière Sprockett et la joueuse de tennis Renée Richards en même temps.
Dr. Walter Rist is trying to date both Nurse Sprockett... and tennis player Renee Richards.
- Dave Richards!
- Dave Richards!
Embrassez-le, ça lui fera du bien. L'infirmière va embrasser votre bobo.
I love meat, Mrs. Richards.
Tout le monde marchande, même les richards.
Everybody wants to bargain, even the rich dudes.
Dave Richards, mon vieux pote.
- Dave Richards, my old buddy. - Hey.
Bonjour, ici Dave Richards, avec Les Brèves du sport.
Yes, it's me, Dave Richards, with Sports Shorts.
Dave Richards, qui vous dit :
Anyway, this is Dave Richards saying, " Be a sport.
Nous écoutions le plus souvent à la radio Luxembourg et sur nos tournes disques, Paul Enka, Elvis, Harry Belafonte, Celentano, Rita Pavone, Arsen Dedic, Cliff Richards, Shadow ; parfois Brel, Yves Montand, Brassense, Bob Dilan et bien sûr, les Beatles.
We listened to, often on Radio Luxemburg and Supraphone record players, Polenca, Elvis, Harry Belefonte, chelentano, Rita Pavone, Arsen Dedic, Cliff Richeard, Sheadows, sometimes to Brell, lv Montan, Brasans, Bob Dylan
Il y aura d'autres Richard.
Besides, there'll be other Richards.
Richards, tu vas avec Baker et moi je pars en tête
Richards, you'll take Baker and I'll head in through Charlie.
Kessler, Wyman, Richards, ici Hunter ça va les gars?
Kessler, Wyman, Richards, this is Charlie Unit. Check in, guys.
Ouais, Richards.
Yeah, Richards.
Tout comme vous!
As you were, Richards!
Prenez le commandement, arrêtez Richards, et suivez les ordres.
Take command, detain Richards and proceed as ordered.
Richards, tu fais quoi bordel?
Richards, what the fuck are you doing?
Richards, tu vas griller pour ça!
Richards, you're gonna fry for this.
La police municipale effectue une fouille de la ville à la recherche de Benjamin A. Richards, le Boucher de Bakersfield.
The city police are engaged in a door-to-door search... for Benjamin A. Richards, known as the Butcher of Bakersfield.
Richards, ancien officier de police, était le pilote d'hélicoptère qui a été pris d'une folie meurtrière il y a 18 mois et a tiré sans sommation sur une foule de civils innocents.
Richards, a former police officer, was the helicopter pilot... who went berserk 18 months ago, firing without warning... on a crowd of innocent civilians.
Mme Richards a perdu de l'argent.
Mrs Richards has lost some.
Tom Magnum.
I'm Tom Magnum with Christine Richards.
Vive les infects richards!
Lads, here's to stinkin'rich!
Tu aimes la viande, Dwayne?
Oh, I'll take care of her, Mr. Richards, sir.
J'adore la viande, Mme Richards.
Right, Michelle?

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