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Translate.vc / Fransızca → İngilizce / Rossi

Rossi Çeviri İngilizce

956 parallel translation
Tu vas pouvoir te reposer sur tes lauriers.
Rossi, you're in clover for the rest of your life.
Allez-y, Rossie.
Come on, Rossi.
Je m'appelle Joe Rossi.
My name is Joe Rossi.
- Après vous.
You first, Mr. Rossi.
Demandez les détails à M. Rossi.
I see. But herds our chief officer, Mr. Rossi. Better hear from him.
M. Rossi, repartirez-vous en mer?
Thank you, Captain. Mr. Rossi, are you going to ship out again, sir?
N'est-ce pas, les gars? Merci, M. Rossi.
That's the way it is, ain't it, men?
Quelqu'un veut parler?
Thank you, Mr. Rossi. Anybody else like to say anything?
Je vais vous présenter. Joe Rossi.
I guess you two should know each other.
Joe Rossi est là?
Joe Rossi here?
Mes excuses, Mme Rossi.
Excuse me, Mrs. Rossi.
Je voudrais vous la présenter.
I'd like you to know her, Mrs. Rossi.
Au revoir, Mme Rossi.
Well, goodbye, Mrs. Rossi.
Chargement fini, M. Rossi.
All finished loading, Mr. Rossi.
Joe Rossi, le commandant en second.
My name's Rossi. First Officer.
M. Wright, on va conduire vos hommes à leurs quartiers.
Mr. Wright, with your permission, I'll have my men show your boys to their quarters. Thank you, Mr. Rossi.
On ne les prend pas, ils viennent.
We're getting them young, Mr. Rossi. We're not taking them.
M. Rossi.
Mr. Rossi.
M. Rossi, mon second.
This is my first officer, Mr. Rossi.
Si vous avez un bateau un jour, j'espère y être.
Gee, Mr. Rossi, when you have your own ship, I hope I have a chance to sail with you.
Vérifiez le numéro de ce navire, M. Rossi.
Check the number of those ships, Mr. Rossi. Yes, sir.
Doublez la garde et tenez-vous prêt.
Mr. Rossi, double your watch and be ready for any emergency. Aye, aye, sir.
Contrôlez le vent et la dérive.
Mr. Rossi, check the wind and estimate the drift.
Rossi, aidez-moi.
Give me a hand here, will you?
Je ne voulais pas, mais je l'ai lue.
I didn't mean to, Mr. Rossi, but I read it.
M. Rossi, je peux en emprunter?
Mr. Rossi, do you mind if I borrow a couple of these?
Qu'est-ce qui se passe, M. Rossi?
What's going on here, Mr. Rossi?
Tu peux empêcher l'ours de...
Rossi, can't you keep the bear where it be...
Moraldo est allé voir du côté de son ancienne maîtresse d'école.
Moraldo went to see Miss Rossi, Sandra's old teacher. She might have gone to see her.
Mais signer "Rossi" ne signifie rien.
But signing "Rossi" don't mean a thing.
L'ancien Ferrante est mort et le nouveau Rossi a faim.
The old Ferrante is dead and the new Rossi is starving.
Entrez donc, M. Rossi.
- Would you come in, Mr. Rossi?
M. Rossi, voilà la situation.
Mr. Rossi, here's our situation.
M. Rossi est diplômé de l'université de Pennsylvanie.
Mr. Rossi is a graduate of Penn State, summa cum laude.
M. Rossi!
Mr. Rossi.
M. Rossi, parlons franc...
Now, Mr. Rossi, frankly....
M. Michael Rossi.
Mr. Michael Rossi. "
Elsie, je vous présente M. Rossi.
Elsie, I'd like to have you meet Mike Rossi.
Bienvenue à Peyton Place.
- Mr. Rossi. - Welcome to Peyton Place.
Ne vous en faites pas, M. Rossi.
Please don't feel uncomfortable, Mr. Rossi.
Vos principes me plaisent.
I like your rules, Mr. Rossi.
Je vous présente M. Rossi, le nouveau principal.
Connie, you haven't met Mr. Rossi, the new school principal.
Tu as vu ta mère avec M. Rossi?
Did you see your mother dancing with Mr. Rossi?
Merci, M. Rossi.
Thank you, Mr. Rossi.
Je suis allé voir M. Rossi pour mes études.
I went to see Mr. Rossi today, talked about how to get to college.
- Vous savez?
- Did you hear about Mr. Rossi?
Joe Rossi!
Joe Rossi.
Joe Rossi, Miss O'Neil. How do you do?
Je vous comprends, Mme Rossi.
I know how it is, Mrs. Rossi.
Good night, Mr. Rossi.

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