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Translate.vc / Fransızca → İngilizce / Simmons

Simmons Çeviri İngilizce

1,644 parallel translation
- L'agent Daniel Simmons.
Agent Daniel Simmons.
L'agent Simmons vous salue.
Special Agent Simmons says hello.
L'agent Simmons a l'air épuisé.
Agent Simmons seems fatigued.
Agent Simmons, Mary s'impatiente.
Agent Simmons, Mary is losing her patience.
- Simmons!
- Simmons!
Ici l'agent Seymour Simmons, du secteur Sept.
This is Agent Seymour Simmons of Sector 7.
D'accord, agent Simmons.
All right, Agent Simmons.
Richard Simmons aimerait-il mieux s'empiffrer ou sautiller?
That's like asking Richard Simmons, would he rather stuff his face or skip around to the oldies.
J'appelle le juge Simmons pour avoir un mandat.
I'll call judge simons, have a warrant ready.
Tu es passé de Richard Simmons à Tom Cruise.
You've gone from a Richard Simmons to a Tom Cruise.
Puis, sont venues Kimora Lee Simmons et ses Asiatiques.
Then it was Kimora Lee Simmons leading a dojo ofAsian bitches.
J'attends votre prochain appel, M. Howard Simmons.
I look forward to your next phone call, Mr. Howard Simons.
Hannah Simmons.
Hannah Simmons.
On a trouvé du sang dans les cheveux d'Hannah.
They found blood in Hannah Simmons'hair.
L'agresseur d'Hannah Simmons a suivi la méthode de Litvack à la lettre.
Whoever attacked Hannah Simmons followed Litvack's signature to the letter.
- Bonjour, M. Simmons.
Hi, Mr. Simmons.
- C'est George Simmons, là.
That's George Simmons, right here.
George Simmons!
George! George Simmons!
George Simmons est là.
Hey. George Simmons just showed up.
C'était à moi, mais George Simmons est là.
I was supposed to go on after you. George Simmons showed up.
- George Simmons est là? - Oui.
George Simmons is going up right now?
- J'ai ouvert pour George Simmons?
Yeah. I just opened for George Simmons? Yeah.
- Simmons est sombre.
Simmons is getting a little dark.
George Simmons. Ouah!
George Simmons.
Oui, George Simmons vient de s'envoyer une balle dans la tête.
Yeah, George Simmons just shot himself in the face backstage.
Salut, c'est George Simmons.
Hey, this is George Simmons.
C'est George Simmons.
It's George Simmons.
Les gars, c'était George Simmons au téléphone.
Guys, that was George Simmons on the phone.
- M. George Simmons!
Mr. George Simmons!
Je ne peux pas croire que je baise George Simmons.
I can't believe I'm having sex with George Simmons.
George Simmons.
George Simmons.
Quelle voiture appartient à George Simmons?
So, which, specifically, of the cars belong to George Simmons?
Il se déteste Au diable George Simmons
He hates himself Fuck George Simmons
George Simmons sera bientôt parti
George Simmons soon will be gone
Mon Dieu! C'est George Simmons!
Oh, my God, it's George Simmons!
- Bonjour, M. Simmons.
Hello, Mr. Simmons.
- Salut, George Simmons.
Hey, George Simmons. Hey.
Ni avoir un emploi génial ni écrire pour George Simmons?
You don't think I want a cool job writing for George Simmons?
Va donc sucer George Simmons pour l'endormir, Ira!
Why don't you go cup George Simmons'balls while you talk him to sleep every night, Ira?
... George Simmons!
... George Simmons!
Voici George Simmons.
This is George Simmons.
George Simmons est dans ma maison!
George Simmons in my house!
Tu suces encore George Simmons?
Sucking George Simmons'balls?
Avec George Simmons, c'était juste un flirt.
The George Simmons thing was just a flirtation.
Comme la Dre Simmons.
Just like I did Dr. Simmons.
Simmons, mettez le haut-parleur.
Simmons, patch me in through public address.
Il paraît qu'Ed Simmons s'est offert une Harley.
Ooh, I heard Ed Simmons got a Harley.
- Gene Simmons, 4 avril 1968.
Gene Simmons, April 4, 1968. Whoa!
George Simmons!
George Simmons, man!
Carte d'identité, s'il vous plaît.
IDs, please. Gene Simmons,

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