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Smithers Çeviri İngilizce

531 parallel translation
Appelez la police!
- Smithers, call the police!
- Smithers!
- Smithers!
Je lui ai dit de les surveiller jusqu'au retour de Smithers.
I told him to keep an eye on them till Smithers got back.
Ferme-la, Lyde Smithers!
You hold your lip lied, Smithers.
Sourpuss, c'est M. Smithers. Il vit seul à côté de chez nous.
See Sourpuss Smithers is a guy lives all alone next door to us.
Le lendemain, en arrosant la pelouse, j'ai jeté un oeil. De l'autre côté, le vieux Smithers réparait sa barrière.
Well next morning, I'm out watering the lawn, and there is old Sourpuss on the other side of the hedge, straightening out a dent in his fender
"Tu n'as rien à perdre!" Alors je lui ai dit :
I yelled over to him Good-morning Mr. Smithers.
"Bonjour, M. Smithers!" Il n'a pas répondu.
He went right on pounding his fender...
Alors j'ai crié vraiment fort. On m'a entendu dans tout le pays!
So in a voice that you could have heard in the next county, I yelled, Good morning Mr. Smithers...
Je me suis vite rendu compte que M. Smithers était très gentil, mais un peu sourd. C'est pour ça, la radio...
Well, before we were through, I found out Mr. Smithers is a swell egg, only he's pretty deaf.
Moi, j'étais d'accord pour tout. Il a proposé à tout le monde de se réunir à l'école.
I'm feeling so good by this time, I'm right for anything, so, Smithers goes around the neighborhood, inviting everybody to a meeting at the schoolhouse.
Voici Sourpuss... Pardon, voici M. Smithers.
- This is Sourpuss, or excuse me, Mr. Smithers, Mr. Doe.
Superbe, non?
Beautiful shot, wasn't it Smithers?
- Pas d'erreur, hein, Smithers?
- There it is. No mistake is there, Smithers?
J'ai fait six fois le tour en t'attendant.
Bradley Smithers, I've been around this block six times. Hello, Mother Hewitt.
En fait, j'habite un peu plus loin, mais je ne voudrais pas gâcher le plaisir de Smithers.
- As a matter of fact I live a little farther up Lexington. I wanted to get out here so I wouldn't spoil Smithers'fun.
- Voir ça ferait la joie de Smithers.
Smithers would love this. You can change in there.
Tout avait commencé par la belle-mère de M. Smithers.
You see, Peg, it all started with Mr. Smithers'mother-in-law. Gee.
Ça va, Smithers?
Huh? Oh. I'm all right now.
Lee Smithers me l'a dit.
Lee Smithers told me.
- Smithers.
Le thé, Smithers.
Tea, Smithers. Good.
C'est le Dr Smithers.
That's Dr. Smithers.
Eh bien, c'était l'idée, non?
I mean, Smithers said that it will even prevent locusts from breeding...
Est-ce que vous saviez cela?
Does... Smithers know about this?
Est-ce que... Smithers est au courant de ça?
Well I have expressed my doubts to him.
Le colonel Smithers fait un exposé de la situation, 007.
Colonel Smithers is giving the lecture, 007.
Oh, vous avez remis le combiné en place, n'est-ce pas, M. Smithers?
O-oh you've replaced your receiver have you Mr Smithers?
Ce n'est pas M. Smithers.
This isn't Mr Smithers.
- Tout!
Bien sûr que si. Vous avez tout ruiné.
Look, Smithers, I know what you've put into the experiment, but this doesn't mean the end of everything.
Je ne l'oublierai pas, Smithers.
I shan't forget this Smithers.
C'est la célèbre Brown and Smithers.
It was Brown and Smithers Unlimited.
Tu as acheté Brown and Smithers?
You bought Brown and Smithers?
Tu ne peux pas rester tout en étant président de Brown and Smithers.
You can't stay there and be president of Brown and Smithers Unlimited too.
Cristabel Smithers... Un requiem pour une vieille garce!
CRISTABELLA Smithers name brings a long ago church bell for a dead bitch too!
- Smithers, Johnson, aidez-nous!
- Smithers. Johnson. Lend a hand.
- Smithers, comment va votre bras?
- Smithers, how's the arm?
- Bonjour, Smithers.
- Hello, Smithers.
Très joli, Smithers.
Very nice, Smithers.
Smithers, monsieur.
Smithers, sir.
James Smithers.
Kip Smithers.
Asseyez-vous donc, Smithers.
Have a seat, Smithers.
Dis-lui pour Sourpuss!
- Oh yeah, we made Mr. Smithers Chairman.
Bonjour, Smithers!
Hello, Smithers. - Miss Watson...
Mme Smithers va nous conduire.
Mrs. Smithers is going to drive us.
Venez, Smithers.
Oh, Smithers, come with us. Sumner's buying.
Enfin, Smithers a dit qu'il empêcherait les criquets de se reproduire...
I don't think.. ... Knocked them out all together.
Écoutez, Smithers, je sais ce que vous avez mis dans cette expérience, mais ça ne signifie pas la fin de tout.
Oh, what's the use...
Alors, Smithers?
What school do you go to?

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