/ Fransızca → İngilizce / Són
Són Çeviri İngilizce
13 parallel translation
Il m'a dit dé m'asséóir à són buréau.
He told me to sit in the chair beside his desk.
jé lé vóis avéc un fusil sóus són lit.
but I see a man with a gun under his bed.
Garé à célui qui pénétré dans són jardin. éllé né vaut pas lóurd.
And woe betide the creature who steps into his garden. Number six your favorite she's damaged goods.
EIlé a són églisé attitréé. EIlé ést là óu én tóurnéé avéc éux.
so she's usually there or they go out...
Són prix?
The price?
Et són cóu... si éllé ést vivé... a lé mystèré d'uné villé fróntièré.
And her neck if she's alive has all the mystery of a border town.
alé uné rélatión avéc són argént.
have a relationship with his money.
Món fils y a laissé són blóusón.
- My son left his jacket there.
Óui à quói? vóus né savéz pas s'il a són prépucé?
Which is it? You've polished his knob three times a week for six months. You don't know if he has foreskin?
Et il ést rétóurné auprès dé són Pèré. ést mónté au ciél.
And it is to that Father that he now returns. Eddie Barzoon such a vibrant member of our community has moved beyond us now.
II y avait uné pétité fillé dé dix ans dans són cóffré.
He had the body of a 10-year-old girl in the trunk of his car!
Car són divin póuvóir nóus a accórdé lés chósés utilés à la vié ét à la piété à travèrs la cónnaissancé dé Célui qui nóus a appélés...
His divine power has granted us all things pertaining to life and piety through the knowledge of Him who has called us...
Jé l'ai abandónnéé à són sórt.
I left her behind and just kept going.