/ Fransızca → İngilizce / Tomorrow
Tomorrow Çeviri İngilizce
90,218 parallel translation
Peut-être pas aujourd'hui, peut-être pas demain. Mais il n'y a rien qui puisse m'arrêter, rien.
Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow... but nothing is gonna change that... nothing.
On te donnera de nouvelles listes demain.
We're gonna give you new listings tomorrow.
Venez demain, et on préparera vos documents.
Come by tomorrow, and we'll get your paperwork done.
Je te vois demain, d'accord?
I'll see you tomorrow, all right?
Je te donne jusqu'à demain pour me donner l'argent.
I'm giving ya'til tomorrow to get my money.
Pas d'école demain, d'accord?
Let's say no school tomorrow, huh?
Je dois aller à Phoenix demain matin.
I have to go to Phoenix tomorrow morning.
On se voit demain.
- Okay, I'll see you tomorrow.
Vous pouvez emménager demain.
You can move in tomorrow.
Appelez-moi demain.
- Just call me tomorrow.
Je parlerai à Max demain avant de partir.
And I will talk to Max tomorrow morning before I leave for the airport.
Je ferai en sorte que vous partiez au lever du soleil.
Please trust I will have you on your way by the time the sun rises tomorrow.
Si vous voulez être baptisés ici, venez demain matin à la source, à l'est de la ville, que le Seigneur a jugé bon de réalimenter en eau.
If you wanna be baptized here in Miracle, just come on down tomorrow morning. We'll be at the spring on the east edge of town, which the good Lord has seen fit to replenish with water.
Demain, le ministre de l'Agriculture.
Tomorrow, it's the Secretary of, you know, goddamn Agriculture.
Alors, demain, je passerai vous voir. On parlera.
So tomorrow, I'm gonna come by... and we're gonna talk.
Dès que la DRH arrive demain, je lui ferai chercher l'info, et on vous rappellera.
Soon as the girl's in tomorrow, I'll have her call up that info, and we'll get it over to you.
On revient demain.
Come back tomorrow.
Je vous donne jusqu'à demain pour trouver mon argent.
I'll give you till tomorrow to get my money.
Demain, je fêterai l'anniversaire de mon fils.
And then I'm gonna go home to my son, it's his birthday tomorrow.
Puis-je prendre rendez-vous pour demain?
Can I make an appointment for tomorrow?
Demain, je rappellerai.
Tomorrow I will telephone.
Sekou Bah autorisé et libéré par demain matin, Ou cela va au procureur général.
Sekou Bah cleared and released by tomorrow morning, or this goes to the Attorney General.
On en reparle davantage demain.
We'll talk about it some more tomorrow.
Pas demain! Aujourd'hui!
Not tomorrow!
Mais je te verrai demain.
But I'll see you tomorrow.
La libération de Sekou Bah ou je donne ça au procureur.
Sekou Bah cleared and released by tomorrow morning, or this goes to the Attorney General.
C'est super. Merci. Votre patron vous attend demain tôt!
Well, your boss is expecting you tomorrow morning, bright and early.
La moitié de ton pays se réveillera convaincu qu'on triche. Et la moitié du mien scandera : "Mort à l'Amérique!"
Half your country will wake up tomorrow convinced that we're cheating, and half of mine will wake up chanting, "Death to America."
Il peut vous accompagner à la salle de visite de la prison de Bellevue demain pour voir Quinn.
He can get you into the prison ward at Bellevue tomorrow to see Quinn.
Sekou Bah blanchi et libéré dès demain matin, ou j'envoie ça au procureur général.
Sekou Bah cleared and released by tomorrow morning, or this goes to the Attorney General.
Aujourd'hui et demain et après-demain et le jour d'après...
Today and tomorrow and the next day and the next...
Je vais essayer de faire passer votre cas devant le juge demain.
I will try and get your case before the judge tomorrow.
On a une audience programmée devant la Cour demain après-midi.
We're scheduled to be in court tomorrow afternoon.
Et quand le juge réalisera ça demain, il la renverra chez elle.
And when the judge realizes that tomorrow, he'll send her home.
Nous devions nous voir demain, mais il y a du nouveau.
I know we had a briefing scheduled for tomorrow, but something's come up.
Vous pourrez voir votre fille dans nos bureaux demain.
You've been approved for a visit with your daughter tomorrow at our offices.
Mais je vous en prie, madame.
You're very welcome, Ms. Mathison. We'll see you tomorrow.
Car demain, on l'attaquera encore plus fort.
'Cause, tomorrow, we hit her even harder.
Voilà, des sujets de débat pour demain.
Here you go, talking points for tomorrow.
Ne sois pas trop ivre, seigneur, pour m'enseigner demain l'art de l'épée.
Do not get overly drunk, Lord, for tomorrow you teach me sword-skills.
Vous récupérez une voiture de location demain?
And you requested that a rental car be dropped off for you here at the hotel tomorrow morning?
Je croyais que tu rentrais demain.
I thought you were gone till tomorrow.
Je me dénoncerais demain.
I'll turn myself in tomorrow.
J'ai des places disponibles après-demain.
I'm afraid our first available is the day after tomorrow.
Là-bas, il apprendra la chanson de l'un d'eux et il vous la rapportera, pour que vous la chantiez et empêchiez le déluge de demain.
And while he's there, he's going to learn a song from one of the dead people and he's gonna bring that song back to you so you can sing it and stop the biblical flood that's gonna happen tomorrow.
L'agent Pet-de-koala crèvera noyé, comme nous tous.
Officer Koalafart here is gonna drown in the flood tomorrow along with all the rest of us.
Demain est un grand jour, à passer en famille.
Tomorrow's a big day. We should all be with family.
Ça fera 7 ans demain.
Seven years ago tomorrow.
- À demain, chef.
- All right, Chief, see you tomorrow.
Um, day after tomorrow.