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Topo Çeviri İngilizce

901 parallel translation
- C'est bon, j'ai enregistré mon topo.
Good ; I taped my stand up
Dutch connaît le topo.
Now, Dutch here knows the whole layout.
Vous allez me trouver cinglé, mais voilà le topo.
You'll think I'm nuts, but here's the real lowdown.
- Bon, quel est le topo? - L'Europe.
- Okay, what's the story?
Je connais le topo.
I know the routine.
Tu connais le topo.
You know what the score is.
Quel est le topo?
What's the setup?
Ecoute bien le topo...
Now, listen carefully.
Écoute, on connaît le topo.
Look, we know what's what.
Là, les Allemands. Alors, voilà le topo.
Here are the Germans and here's what happens.
Également un topo de la route.
And I wonder if it would be possible to draw me a kind of a map of the road. - Certainly.
C'est quoi, le topo?
What's the deal?
Je te donne le topo.
- All right, this is the deal, Holley.
Quel est le topo?
- Arrested him myself. - Okay, what's the pitch?
Voilà le topo.
Look, Paul, I got a friend, a good kid.
Je fais le topo une dernière fois.
- No. Now this is the last time we go through this.
Bob, fais un topo sur Coffeyville.
Bob, I don't think the Kid's got the real picture of Coffeyville yet.
Voilà le topo, Barney.
That's the size of it, Barney.
Alors voilà le topo.
So, that's how it is.
Quel est le topo?
- What's the score?
Je vois le topo.
Ah. Now let me tell you.
Je vous explique rapidement le topo.
All right, I'll fill in the picture for you quick.
- Faites-lui un topo.
Bring him up to date. - Sure.
- Tu devras me faire un topo.
You could give me a summary.
J'ai bien compris le topo, monsieur le commissaire.
Oh, I got the picture, sir.
Le capitaine Harrison va vous faire un topo radio.
Capt. Harrison will brief you on net operation.
Je connais le topo.
I know all about these things.
Faites-nous un topo pour qu'on sache où aller.
We don't wanna be in the way. Give us a quick briefing, so we know where to go.
Voilà le topo.
All right. Here you are, 800 words,
Un topo sur la pluie, la chaleur et l'éclipse.
I want a recap on the rain, the heat wave, the eclipse.
Voilà le topo.
Here's the bit.
Tu connais le topo.
You know what it's like.
A chaque perme, même topo.
It's the same every leave.
- Oui, monsieur. Voici le topo.
It's metal, the size of a sub hull.
Ton petit topo était excellent. Si, si, je t'assure.
Your speech was really great and I mean it.
Voilà le topo.
So here's the story.
Faites un topo à ces messieurs.
- Shall we give the boys a rundown?
Vous connaissez le topo.
You know the score as well as I do.
Armbruster, lisez le topo de l'opération.
Armbruster, let's have that basic outline. Yes, sir.
Tu vois le topo?
You know what that means?
- Oui, il m'a fait le topo.
- Yeah, I've got it all worked out, Jim.
Je vois le topo.
I read your speech.
Quand je l'eus pleinement satisfait sur ce topo, il soupira profondément, comme libéré d'un poids intolérable, s'approcha d'un panneau de la bibliothèque, et en tira un livre sur une synopsie courante... d'Histoire Naturelle.
When I had fully satisfied him on this head... he sighed deeply, as if relieved of some intolerable burden... and then he stepped to the bookcase... and brought forth one of the ordinary synopses... of natural history.
- Explique-lui le topo.
- Show him how to do it.
c'est quoi le topo?
C'est pour Topo...
Just off the boat!
Je vois le topo.
- Waiting for you, that's all.
Voilà le topo.
I got it.
Tu veux vraiment un topo?
He was a fat pig!
Voilà le topo.
That's the deal.
- Le capitaine veut un topo complet.
Spock's contaminating this boy, Jim.

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