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Translate.vc / Fransızca → İngilizce / Tâté

Tâté Çeviri İngilizce

294 parallel translation
On a toutes tâté du 12,50 la semaine.
We've all tried this 12 and a half a week stuff.
Et j'ai tâté de tout. Je me suis fait soldat. Mais je n'étais pas assez brave.
I was a soldier, but I wasn't brave enough.
On dirait que tu as tâté du mauvais côté du cheval.
Looks like you've been messing around with the wrong end of the horse.
II avait emprisonné par le roi des lutins... pour avoir tâté de la magie noire.
He was imprisoned by the king of elves... for dabbling in the black arts.
Attends que j'ai tâté le terrain pour pointer ton nez.
I don't want to bring you into the picture until I see how I'm going to work it.
Paraît que Charlie y a tâté dans le temps, quand elle vivait ici avec son vieux.
Charlie Venner. He had some of it, years ago, when she was here with her father.
Après, on est allés chez elle, j'ai tâté de son Gohonzon.
But afterwards we went to her home, and I tried Gohonzon.
J'ai tâté de la main, et je pouvais.. je pouvais le sentir.
I put up my hand, and I could - I could feel it
- T'as tâté? - Je veux pas d'histoires!
Have you done her yet?
J'ai tâté à la drogue.
I've tried dope. I've tried these things.
Récemment elle a tâté à la magie noire, et maintenant ceci... sa fin a été aussi mauvaise que sa vie.
Lately she dabbled in black magic, and now this... Her end was as wicked as her life.
- La garce t'a tâté les couilles?
Bitch kneed your nuts?
J'ai fini "Love Me Tender," on a tâté "Viva Las Vegas" et je suis sorti de la baignoire.
I finished "Love Me Tender," we did a short medley from "Viva Las Vegas" and I got the hell out of the tub.
J'ai tâté le terrain un peu partout.
Well, I've got feelers out everywhere.
Je suis venue, j'ai mis la main dans le lit et tâté ses pieds.
And when I got there, I put my hand into the bed and felt his feet.
Il en a souvent tâté.
He's been pinched often enough.
- Tâte ces muscles.
- Here, feel that muscle.
Tâte-moi ce feutre!
Feel the felt.
Tâte-moi ça!
Yeah. Feel the muscle.
Il est membre de la société de la main baladeuse et il tâte constamment.
He's a member of the Wandering Hands Society and he has a groping good time.
J'ai tâté à ça, oui.
What do you say?
Je mets la main dans le lit et je les tâte. Ils étaient froids comme de la pierre.
I put me hand on the bed and felt them, and they were as cold as any stone.
Celle qui chaque soir tâte les défenses ennemies.
Every night, sir, we send out small patrols to test the walls of the city.
Tâte un peu!
Tâte ce tissu.
Feel that material.
Tâte du cabestan.
Oh, well, grab the capstan and brace yourself.
Les deux ont tâté de la bouteille.
- Come on.
Tâte un peu. C'est de la merde.
It's shit.
Tâte-moi cette brosse.
Feel the pull on the end of that brush.
Il tâte le terrain.
He's making his move.
Mon lit c'est mon nez, tâte un peu le tien.
My bed is my business. Keep your nose out of it. Come on.
Tâte ça.
Feel that.
Il tâte de la bouteille.
He's been sleepin'better.
Les boniments, il en tâte!
You know, Jim used to be a hell of a storyteller.
Attends que je tâte.
Now let me feel it, huh?
Allez, tâte-moi ça.
Go on, try it.
Roll him over.
Feel it.
Vous pensez que je tâte seulement vos pieds, mais cet endroit que je touche... c'est la colonne vertébrale.
You think I am just poking your feet. Well, when I touch this spot, this is where your spine is.
Touche-le avec ton doigt. Touche-le, tâte-le. Juste une minute!
Touch it with a finger just for a sec-sec
Il tâte de la baguette, mais c'est tout, rassurez-vous.
He doesn't do anything else, you can rest assured.
- Oui, tâte la fin.
- Let him bounce.
Tâte-la toi-même, Morris...
Let me bounce it off you, Morris, and let me bounce that off you.
Et toi, tâte ça!
Good bounce?
Mets ta main par terre, et tâte le sol.
Put your hand down and feel the ground.
Je tâte leurs manières selon ma façon de voir les choses.
I can sense their manners by following my own feelings.
- Je me tâte.
- We might, could.
- On se tâte.
- We might, could.
Tâte un peu de mes illusions.
You'll have a taste of having illusions
"Tâte un peu ça!"
"Hey! Look at these!"
Toi, jadis si fière. Tâte la colère de la main gauche de Burns!
Look at you- - You who were once so proud.

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