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Translate.vc / Fransızca → İngilizce / Underwood

Underwood Çeviri İngilizce

814 parallel translation
- MIle Underwood...
- Miss Underwood...
- Au revoir, MIle Underwood.
- Well, goodbye, Miss Underwood.
Vous êtes Lois Underwood.
You're Lois Underwood.
Une caisse de singes pour MIle Underwood.
DELIVERY MAN : One crate of monkeys for Miss Lois Underwood.
Si vous écrivez d'autres inepties sur Lois, je vous coupe les oreilles et les envoie à vos parents.
If you write any more cracks about Lois Underwood I'll cut your ears off and mail them to your folks.
Allez voir Mlle Lois Underwood.
See Miss Lois Underwood.
Je voulais les rendre à MIle Underwood.
I was trying to return it to Miss Underwood.
MIle Underwood, cet homme était-il chez vous ce soir?
Miss Underwood, was this man at your house this evening?
Tu es toujours fou de cette Lois Underwood?
Say, um, you still crazy about that Lois Underwood?
Désolé, MIle Underwood.
I'm sorry, Miss Underwood.
C'est le Dr Underwood.
This is Dr. Underwood. It's an emergency.
Par Bill Underwood.
By bill Underwood.
Et si Underwood n'avait pas été là?
Supposing Underwood hadn't been there?
Mais Underwood vendra-t-il?
But will Underwood sell it?
Underwood est de la vieille école, bientôt retraité.
Well, Underwood's an old codger, and about ready to hang up his sword.
Si Hanson House en entend parler, ils feront une offre à Underwood avant moi.
If Hanson House should get wind of this, they'd get to Underwood with their bid before I could get organized.
M. Underwood est-il là?
Is Mr. Underwood in?
Bonjour, M. Underwood.
Hello, Mr. Underwood.
Tu sais, j'estime grandement Underwood.
You know, Whitey, I have a lot of respect for Underwood.
Underwood a envoyé les infos sur le National Weekly.
Underwood sent you over the National Weekly data,
Ce vieux filou d'Underwood m'a rendu la tâche trop aisée.
Perhaps that old fox Underwood might be giving me too much rope.
Underwood y sera, tu sais?
Underwood's there, you know.
La journée, je serai à la convention et, la nuit, je serai avec Underwood.
I'll have to be at the convention during the day and with Underwood at night.
Underwood est ici et pas à New York.
Underwood's here, not New York.
Apparemment, Underwood, ce filou, a fricoté avec Hanson House.
Obviously, Underwood's been feeling out Hanson House, the old crook.
Si je te fournis des machines à écrire et une douzaine de dactylos prêtes à tout pour notre cause, penses-tu pouvoir me rédiger un contrat bien ficelé pour M. Underwood, demain soir?
- How, V. S? Well, if I should get you every available typewriter, and about a dozen typists, who are willing to die for the cause, do you think that you could turn out a handsomely-bound contract to present to Mr. Underwood by tomorrow night?
Et Underwood, le propriétaire...
And Underwood, he's the owner...
Où est la loge de M. Underwood?
Where is the niche of Mr. Underwood?
C'est M. Underwood, n'est-ce pas?
Is Mr. Basil Underwood! Is not it, sir?
On ne se couche pas quand j'arrive!
Nobody goes to bed when Basil comes Underwood!
Je vais entrer dans le noir?
Basil Underwood? Entering the dark?
Basil Underwood est là!
Basil Underwood is here!
Rien ne s'écroule, c'est Basil Underwood!
Not a fire, Basil Underwood is!
On a M. Underwood comme invité.
We invited Mr. Underwood.
M. Underwood n'a pas de temps pour ça.
Mr. Underwood has time for that.
Nous sommes des âmes sœurs.
Oh, Mr. Underwood, We're soul mates!
En quoi ça vous intéresse?
What do you want from my daughter, Mr. Underwood?
J'aimerais parler à M. Underwood.
Sorry, Marcia. I want to talk with Mr. Underwood.
Mrs Underwood est dans votre chambre.
Ah, Mrs. Underwood! It is in the room that you
Basil Underwood!
- Basil Underwood!
M. Underwood veut vous voir de suite.
Mr. Underwood wants see you right away.
Je sais ce que vous mijotiez.
I know what's plotting, Underwood!
Vous êtes Basil Underwood?
Are not you Basil Underwood?
Vient le moment où un homme doit abandonner.
Underwood, a man must know when to give up.
Vous pouvez reprendre votre mari.
You can take possession of her husband, Mrs. Underwood.
Vous êtes charmante et croyez-moi, vous avez toute ma compassion.
You're very sweet, Ms. Underwood, and believe me, You have my sympathy.
Il faudrait que j'aille relayer Underwood à la clinique, ce soir.
Uh, as a matter of fact, I really should go back to the clinic tonight.
- Et comme mes parents...
You see, Underwood asked me to relieve him, and, you know, as much as dad and mother - well, of course.
Le Dr Underwood.
Uh, well, Dr. Underwood.
Appelle Underwood.
Get Underwood on the phone.

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