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Translate.vc / Fransızca → İngilizce / Vito

Vito Çeviri İngilizce

800 parallel translation
Eddie, Vito, Dutch, Specs.
Eddie, Vito, Dutch, Specs.
Au restaurant hier, Vito a renversé des verres.
About yesterday it was, Vito down at the place He dropped a tray of glasses.
- Bien sûr que j'ai entendu, Vito.
- Of course I heard, Vito.
- Salut, Vito.
- Hi, Vito.
Je vois Butch, Juan et Vito cette nuit.
I see Butch, Juan and Vito tonight.
La victime : Vito Cafiero, 24 ans, étudiant.
The two-timing victim, Vito Cafiero, a 24-year-old student.
Salut, Nash, c'est Vito, du pressing.
Hey Nash, it's Vito, the cleaner.
C'est suffisant, Vito?
Is that enough, Vito?
- Vito, tu m'étonnes.
- Vito, you surprise me.
Oh, Vito.
Oh, Vito.
Vito a raison, Frank.
Vito's right, Frank.
Salut, Vito.
Hi, Vito.
Toute décision sera prise par Vito, Al et moi.
Any decision here will be made by Vito, Al and me.
C'est Vito qui me le donne.
Well, Vito. Vito hands me the money.
Tu penses qu'il en a gardé pour lui avant?
Do you think Vito's been skimming some off before he passes it to you?
Non, il ne ferait jamais ça.
No, come on now, Frank. Vito wouldn't do a thing like that.
Tu te sens mieux, Vito?
Well, feel better now, Vito?
Je ne le comprends pas non plus, j'ai tout essayé.
I don't understand it either, Vito. I've tried everything.
Mais si, Vito.
But there is, Vito.
Ni toi, ni Vito, ni personne.
Not you, not Vito, not anybody.
Y a pas de mal à ça, n'est-ce pas, Vito?
There's nothing wrong with that, is there, Vito?
Vito m'a chargé de quelque chose, avant.
Vito gave me a little something to do first.
Du calme, Vito.
Relax, Vito.
- Quoi encore, Vito?
- What now, Vito?
À quoi tu joues?
Vito, what are you trying to pull?
T'as dit ce que tu avais à dire. Va-t'en.
All right, Vito, you've had your say, now get out of here.
Qu'est-ce qui t'arrive, Vito?
What's the matter with you, Vito?
Il a raison, Vito.
He's right, Vito.
Range ça, Vito.
Put that away, Vito.
Vito, Al...
Vito, Al...
Al Souchek, Frank Bates et Vito Scalesi.
Al Souchek, Frank Bates and Vito Scalesi.
Relax, Vito.
Relax, Vito.
Au fait, Vito, si on te trouve avec une arme, tu vas...
Besides, Vito, if you get picked up carrying a gun, you go...
Selon Vito, on est des hommes d'affaires.
Vito here says we're businessmen.
- En ton honneur, Vito.
- In your honour, Vito.
Ça va, Vito?
You all right, Vito?
- Tu tailles plus ou moins comme moi.
- You're pretty close to my size, Vito.
La même chose qui nous dérange, Vito et moi.
The same thing that's bothering me and Vito.
Ne la laisse pas partir, Vito!
No! Don't let her out, Vito! It's a frame!
- Vito.
- Vito!
Numéro 6, pilotée par Vito Scalise.
number 6, driven by Vito Scaliso ;
Je vais aller voir Don Vito.
I guess I'll go talk to Don Vito.
Attendez. Je veux un rendez-vous avec Vito Genovese.
Hey, listen, I want a meeting with Vito Genovese.
Vous voulez dire que c'est plus facile de voir mon avocat que Don Vito?
You telling me it's easier to talk to my lawyer than it is to Don Vito?
Le bras droit de Vito Genovese.
He's an underboss of Vito Genovese, that's who.
- Alors, Vito?
- Vito, what happened?
Vito Genovese.
Vito Genovese.
Comment pouvez-vous me demander ça?
How can you ask me that, Don Vito?
Si j'ai fait quelque chose de mal, Don Vito, dites-le-moi et donnez-moi des cachets, je les avalerai devant vous.
If I done something wrong, Don Vito, show it to me and leave me the pills. I'll take them in front of you.

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