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Vóus Çeviri İngilizce

156 parallel translation
C'ést cé qué vóus avéz fait cé jóur-là?
Is that what you did on the day in question?
Quand vóus léur avéz dit cé qu'il vóus avait fait... éllés vóus ónt dit cé qu'il léur avait fait!
And after you had told them what he had done to you they told you what he had done to them!
jé vóus cónséillé dé m'évitér.
I'm advising you to keep the fuck away from me.
Qué vóuléz-vóus diré?
What are you talking about?
Vóus vóus étés bién fichu dé mói.
You definitely had me fooled.
Vóus étés món avócat.
you're my lawyer.
Vóus étés là póur mé déféndré.
You're here to defend me.
Vóus savéz quói?
You know what I'm thinking?
AIléz à la barré vóus branlér póur lé jugé.
Why not put you on the stand? You can jerk off for the judge.
Avéz-vóus éu dés próblèmés dé discipliné én classé dé maths?
Have you had any discipline problems in math class this year?
M. Géttys né vóus a-t-il pas sóuvént réprisé póur vótré cónduité?
Hasn't Mr. Gettys had to talk to you repeatedly about your behavior?
N'ést-cé pas pôur ça qu'il vóus a réténué?
Isn't that why he asked you to stay after class?
D'autrés énséignants vóus ónt-ils déjà réténué?
Have other teachers asked you to stay after class?
Vóus faités passér dés móts én classé?
You ever pass notes in class?
un môt óû... vóus vóus móquiéz dé M. Géttys?
Maybe a note that made fun of Mr. Gettys?
Vóus né l'avéz jamais traité dé "cóchón répugnant"?
No? Never called him a "disgusting pig monster"?
- Vóus l'avéz écrit én classé.
- You wrote this in Gettys'class.
Avéz-vóus órganisé dés fêtés chéz vóus... én l'abséncé dé vós parénts?
Barbara when your parents were away?
Cónnaisséz-vóus un jéu appélé "Endróits spéciaux"?
Have you ever heard of a game called "Special Places"?
Vóus avéz prêté sérmént. ét sa vlé qui sónt én jéu.
Barbara. A man's career his reputation his life is on the line.
Avéz-vóus déjà jóué à "Endróits spéciaux"?
Have you ever played "Special Places"?
C'ést bién à cétté fêté spécialé... qué vóus avéz racónté cétté históiré póur la prémièré fóis?
Barbara... wasn't it?
Avéz-vóus uné idéé dé cé qu'ils ónt pu mé diré d'autré?
Is there anything else they may have told me about the party?
Vóus léur avéz dit dé déclarér qué M. Géttys lés avait brutalisés.
to falsely claim that Mr. Gettys had hurt them.
vóus auriéz racónté à tóut lé móndé cétté fêté spécialé.
you were going to tell everyone about this special party.
Et vóus avéz invénté uné históiré :
So you made up a story. A special story.
Uné históiré sur un prófésséur vóus réténait après la classé.
A story about a math teacher... who kept you after class.
Un salé grós pórc qué vóus n'aimiéz pas!
A "huge hog beast" you didn't like!
Jé suis fiér dé vóus.
You made me proud.
Vóus alléz mé póursuivré én justicé?
What are you going to do? Sue me?
Vóus n'avéz pérdu aucuné causé.
You've never lost a case.
Nóus vóulóns qué vóus nóus aidiéz à chóisir un jury. tu és vachémént fórt.
help us pick a jury. man you're pretty damn good.
Vóus cómméncériéz la sémainé próchainé.
You'd have to start next week.
1 ré classé ét lógémént póur vóus ét vótré fémmé.
you and your wife.
Né vóus cómpróméttéz pas avéc lé mal.
Be innocent Of evil
pénséz-vóus étré capablé dé méttré dé côté tóuté ópinión préalablé sur lés caissés dé prêt ét d'épargné?
as a juror you'd be able to set aside any prior opinion you might hold about the savings and loan industry?
Jé vóus én prié.
You may.
Vóus plaisantéz?
Dérrièré vóus.
Behind you.
Avéz-vóus été bién réçus?
Have we been treating you well?
Vóus étiéz au parquét.
You were a prosecutor.
J'étais cértain qué vóus aviéz un sécrét.
I was sure you had a secret.
Vóus né pénséz pas rétóurnér én Flóridé?
do you?
Qu'én dités-vóus?
What do you think?
Jé vóus énvóié agnéaux parmi lés lóups.
I send you out as sheep amidst the wolves.
Ça né vóus a pas marqué?
It didn't rub off?
Puis-jé vóus pósér uné quéstión?
Póurquói avéz-vóus bésóin dé pénalistés?
Why do you need a criminal department?
- Vóus m'óffréz du travail?
- Are you offering me a job?
Jé sais qué vóus avéz du talént.
I know you've got talent.
Ón a éu tóut lé témps dé lés éxhibér. jé vóus invité à lés préséntér én témps vóulu óu pas du tóut. Óbjéctión.

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