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Translate.vc / Fransızca → İngilizce / Whitey

Whitey Çeviri İngilizce

1,211 parallel translation
Whitey me l'a volé!
Whitey stole it from me.
Si la mort de Whitey vous a soulagé, Macy et vous,
Maybe you and your partner, Macy, were relieved when Barrow was found dead.
Il la faisait chanter.
Whitey had been blackmailing her.
J'avais peur que la police ne m'accuse si elle trouvait le bracelet sur Whitey.
I was afraid the police would find the bracelet and trace it to me then they'd be sure I killed him. But I didn't!
C'est lui qui m'a appris la mort de Whitey.
I didn't know Whitey was dead until he told me.
Il me l'a dit avant de rentrer!
He told me Whitey was dead before he took me home.
Mais Whitey ne m'était rien.
Barrow had nothing on me.
Même si Whitey avait su quelque chose sur moi, je ne l'aurais pas tué!
Supposing Barrow did have something on us. I've been in plenty of scandals. That didn't mean enough for me to kill him.
- J'ai cherché Whitey à cause du bracelet, mais je ne l'ai pas trouvé!
- Sure, I looked for Barrow that night to get my bracelet back. But I swear I didn't find him.
Parce qu'il avait vu l'assassin de Whitey.
Because Benny had seen who killed Barrow.
On vous a entendu menacer Whitey.
Why did you threaten him?
Whitey la serrait de près.
I caught Barrow pawing her that night right in my office.
Tu savais que Whitey travaillait avec eux?
Is this all news to you, Paul? But Molly did tell you that Whitey had had a falling out with his bosses?
Whitey était mon ennemi.
Nick, I didn't think it'd do any good. Whitey and I were enemies.
Whitey a été tué avant qu'on puisse le questionner.
But Whitey was killed before anybody could get to him.
Vous avez dit : celui qui a tué Goldez a tué Whitey.
You and the flatfoot claim whoever killed the jockey killed Barrow.
Whitey Barrow avait peur.
Whitey Barrow was scared.
Mais nous avons prétendu que l'assassin de Whitey était celui de Goldez.
But we let it stand as a murder. And we spread the news that whoever had killed Barrow had also killed the jockey.
Oui, j'ai tué Whitey et Benny, et je vais vous tuer.
Yes, I almost closed the case with Rainbow Benny but now I'll close it with you.
Whitey, donne-moi du jambon.
Sea? Whitey, give me a ham on rye, will you?
Pulaski, Whitey, emmenez ces hommes.
Pulaski, and you, Whitey, take these men aft. Yes, sir.
Des nouvelles?
Any hot dope, Whitey?
Allez donc dans vos sections avec Whitey demander qu'on rationne l'eau.
You and Whitey better get around to your sections and warn'em to go easy on the water.
Viens, Whitey.
Come on, Whitey.
Whitey l'a mentionné.
Whitey, he said it.
La concession est épuisée, Whitey.
Looks like she's petering out, Whitey.
Je te dis, Whitey, c'est tellement civilisé qu'ils nous diront bientôt où cracher.
I tell you, Whitey, it's getting so civilized they'll soon tell you where to spit.
Pas mal élégant le monsieur, hein?
Mighty fancy looking man, ain't he, Whitey?
Whitey, où est ton revolver?
Whitey, where's your gun?
Laisse-le nous, Whitey.
Why don't you turn him loose, Whitey?
Tu connaissais le Père Lambert.
You knew Father Lambert, Whitey. I can't do it.
Ça, c'est les coups à Whitey.
That's what comes of Whitey's information!
T'as pas vu Whitey Williams?
Did you ever feel Whitey Williams'collar?
Votre copain Whitey?
- Where's your pal, Whitey?
Whitey Williams!
Whitey Williams, I want you!
Allez, Whitey.
Come off it, Whitey.
On tient Whitey Leggett pour ça.
We're holding Whitey Leggett on that.
Rome, Whitey Leggett a été arrêté...
Rome, they're holding Whitey Leggett.
Whitey Leggett pour l'affaire DeGrazia.
Whitey Leggett for the de Grazia case.
Whitey Leggett.
Whitey Leggett.
Je sais que tu travailles pour Leggett.
I know you work for Whitey Leggett.
Whitey Leggett et la fille. Tu es le cerveau.
Whitey Leggett and the girl you ran the job.
Une copine de Whitey.
Some friend of Whitey's.
Dès qu'il siffle, moi et Mutt on va à la cuisine.
When Whitey whistles... me and Mutt get out of the car, go in the kitchen.
Salut, Whitey! - Tiens, bonjour, Murray.
Well, hello, Murray.
Salut, Whitey. - Hue.
Piquez trois tires, amenez-les derrière le gymnase.
Whitey, Nick, Mutt, swipe three cars and bring'em around back of the gym. - Uh-huh.
- Salut, Barney!
Hello, Barney! Hi, Whitey!
- Tu te souviens de Whitey Du Sang.
You remember Whitey Du Sang.
Eh bien, salut.
So long, Whitey.

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