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Translate.vc / Fransızca → İngilizce / Whooping

Whooping Çeviri İngilizce

435 parallel translation
- Il m'a dit que le petit de Miette avait la coqueluche.
Dr Cigalon told me Miette's child has whooping cough.
- C'est terrible, la coqueluche.
Whooping cough is a terrible disease.
- Il a pas plus de coqueluche que moi.
He's no more sickening for whooping cough than I am.
Tu m'as réveillée chaque nuit et tu m'as tenue en esclavage pourta 1re dent, pourta coqueluche, pourton certificat d'études, ta scarlatine, ton baccalauréat.
You woke me each night. I was your slave. Your teething, your whooping cough, your homework, your scarlet fever, your exams.
On dirait une maison avec une cave.
I must say, it looks like a house with a whooping cellar.
J'ai eu la rougeole et les oreillons.
I've had measles, mumps and whooping cough.
Les fIaneIIes de gerald.
He's had whooping cough.
Je suppose qu'on n'aura plus jamais d'épidémie de coqueluche.
I don't suppose we'll ever get another whooping cough epidemic again.
Je dois cesser mes recherches... passer ma vie à soigner rougeoles, oreillons et coqueluches... ou encourir sa réprobation.
Seems I must discontinue my research, spend my life diagnosing measles mumps, and whooping cough or encounter his serious disapproval.
Une terre de tiques dans les graines, d'insectes, de coqueluche, et —
Land with seed ticks and chinch bugs and whooping'cough and...
Rougeole, rougeole... Toux, rougeole, appendicite...
Measles, measles, measles, whooping cough, measles, appendicitis...
Va le voir et dis que ton gosse a la coqueluche.
All you have to do is to go out there and tell him that your child has whooping cough.
La coqueluche ou bien... la scarlatine, c'est mieux.
Let's see, whooping cough or maybe scarlet fever. - It's a better color for Christmas.
Eh bien, mon bébé a la coqueluche.
It's my child, he's been ill with whooping cough.
Ce n'est pas contagieux.
Whooping cough. That's not contagious to adults.
Rougeole et toux convulsive.
I've had chicken pox, measles, whooping cough and that's it.
Rien de tout ça. Maman dit que j'ai le ver solitaire.
I've never had whooping cough and measles, but my mother says I've had tapeworm.
Les Portugais font la fête, ce soir.
Hey, the portuguese are really whooping it up tonight, huh?
J'ai eu la rougeole et la coqueluche.
I had measles and whooping cough.
Avez-vous eu érysipèle, appendicite, oreillons, coqueluche, gênes aux yeux, aux oreilles, au nez ou à la gorge?
Have you ever had erysipelas, appendicitis, mumps, whooping cough, eye, ear, nose or throat trouble, hay fever?
j'ai aussi en ma possession, pour votre plaisir, son certificat de naissance, de baptême, de vaccination contre la rougeole, contre la rubéole, de confirmation...
I have also in my possession, you will be pleased to hear, certificates of Miss Cardew's birth, baptism, whooping cough, registration, vaccination, confirmation and the measles... the German and the English variety.
Loulou a la coqueluche.
- Loulou has whooping cough.
T'as passé la nuit comme un fêtard.
You been whooping it up all night!
- Mauvaise toux?
- Whooping cough?
On s'en va à tire-d'aile.
Away we go like whooping cranes.
Ils font vraiment la fête.
Man, they're really whooping it up.
Vous les avez vraiment fait crier à qui mieux mieux.
You sure had them whooping and hollering.
Quelques garçons faisaient la fête
A bunch of the boys were whooping it up
Christian a la coqueluche et Louise a perdu une dent.
- Christian had whooping cough... and Louise has lost a tooth.
Et la scarlatine, et la diphtérie, et la rougeolle, et la coqueluche, et les oreillons.
scarlet fever, and diphtheria, and measles, and whooping cough, and mumps.
Et leurs poissons rouges, ils ont la coqueluche!
And the goldfish, they've got whooping cough.
On chevauche à travers la ville... On flagelle et on bat comme plâtre tout ce qui bouge.
That's where we go riding into town and a-whapping and a-whooping every living thing that moves within an inch of its life!
Elle aurait la coqueluche ou le typhus, d'accord.
If it were typhoid or whooping cough...
La scarlatine, la variole et la méningite.
Scarlet fever, whooping cough and measles!
Il ne la frappe pas.
And the boy ain't whooping on her.
La dernière fois que je t'ai vue, tu étais haute comme ça et tu avais la coqueluche.
Last time I saw you, you were that high. You had whooping cough.
Tu pourrais être un deuxième AntheiI.
You could be a second Antheil, right? - Yeah. -'( Woman whooping )'
Il a é té malade et ses enfants ont la coqueluche.
And his children both have whooping cough.
J'espère que vos enfants sont remis de leur coqueluche.
I hope your children get over their whooping cough, Mr. Higgins.
Je suis la célèbre grue blanche!
I'm the great whooping crane, Whoop, whoop, whoop,
Vous n'êtes juste pas responsables des tremblements de terre, la grêle et la coqueluche!
The only things were not responsible for are hail, earthquakes, and whooping cough!
Tu as eu la diphtérie et la coqueluche...
You had diphtheria and Whooping cough all at once, do you remember?
whooping COUGH
Elle a la coqueluche!
She's got whooping cough!
La coqueluche?
Whooping cough?
C'est pas la coqueluche.
It isn't whooping cough.
Elle tousse mais c'est pas la coqueluche.
She's got a cough, but it isn't a whooping cough.
Hue, Ginger!
( WHOOPING ) Get up there, Ginger.
"Bienvenue a Bottleneck"
[Gunshots, Men Whooping]
961 de coqueluche, 562 de diphtérie,
961 of whooping cough ;

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