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Translate.vc / Fransızca → İngilizce / Xing

Xing Çeviri İngilizce

223 parallel translation
Ça ne vous ennuie pas de Ie réparer?
You don't mind fixing this thing. Do you?
Vous êtes Xing.
You are Xing.
Xing, qu'est-ce que vous faites?
Xing, what are you doing?
Est-ce que vous êtes vraiment Xing?
Are you truly Xing?
Xing, à l'exception de moi!
Xing, save me!
Xing, venez ici!
Xing, come over here!
Xing, veuillez me sauver!
Xing, please save me!
Xing, je vous suivrai.
Xing, I will follow you.
Xing est idiot.
Xing is a fool.
Xing, vous nagez.
Xing, you are swimming.
Xing, si vous vraiment là-bas, veuillez venir rapidement ici.
Xing, if you really over there, please come here quickly.
Je m'allonge, Xing.
I'm lying, Xing.
Pourquoi est-ce qu'une queue est venue dehors du corps de Xing?
Why did a tail come out from Xing's body?
Pourquoi la queue de Xing... disparu?
Why Xing's tail... disappeared?
pourquoi Xing... sorti d'une queue?
why Xing... came out a tail?
Pourquoi la queue de Xing... affreux.
Why Xing's tail... fearful.
Liao Xing-bang était un homme courageux.
Besides, Liu Hing Bong is a hero
Pour remercier le général d'une part, et pour venger Liao Xing-bang.
For the good of all, I should repay the Commander For personal reasons, we should avenge Liu Hing Bong
Nous admirions l'intelligence et la science du combat de Ma Xin-yi.
Ma Xing Yi is clever and good at fighting.
Ma Xin-yi.
Ma Xing Yi
Ma Xin-yi nourrissait de grandes ambitions.
Ma Xing Yi is ambitious and fabulous.
Frère Tu-qiang, frère Xing. Il y a du monde aux pétards?
The contestants this year... are more than last year
- Frère Xing.
Brother Hang
Frère Xing.
Zeng Xing, viens chercher la potion.
Hang, follow me to get some medicine Yes
Tu te souviens des 4 tigres de Taihang?
Do you remember that time we came across,... the Four Tigers of Tai Xing?
Qi Ming-xing, sors! - Tu es cerné.
Chik Ming Sing, come out and face your death
Si vous êtes Qi Ming-xing, alors le complice, c'est moi.
If you're really Chik Ming Sing that accomplice should be me
Je suis Qi Ming-xing.
I am Chik Ming Sing
Qi Ming-xing est rentré.
Chik Ming Sing is back
Qi Ming-xing, dis-lui pourquoi tu es là.
Chik Ming Sing, tell her the purpose of your trip here
- C'est sûrement Qi Ming-xing.
Damn, it must be the work of Chik Ming Sing
Qi Ming-xing, tu es cruel.
Chik Ming Sing, you're cruel
Qi Ming-xing, si tu parviens à tuer Yue Xi-hong, reprendras-tu le Bateau de fer à ton profit?
Chik, if you really kill Yoh Xi Hung, are you... going to restructure the gang become boss yourself?
et que tu n'étais que le troisième, Qi Ming-xing, l'Aigle noir.
The second one is Blue Eagle Wan Da and the third is you Black Eagle Chik Ming Sing
Qi Ming-xing t'a payé combien?
How much has Chik Ming Sing paid to hire you?
Qi Ming-xing, une aide n'est jamais gratuite.
Chik Ming Sing, I haven't helped you in vain
Qi Ming-xing est de retour!
Chik Ming Sing is back...
Qi Ming-xing, traître!
Chik Ming Sing, you dare come back...
La main de Xing-hu, la tête du gouverneur, le manuel.
The head of the governor of 8 provinces The secret book of 5 Tigers School. Ready?
La main de Xing-hu, la tête du gouverneur, un manuel secret.
Xinghu's hand and governor's head The secret book of 5 Tigers School. Prepare your money for these items
N'entre pas! On a rendez-vous à Xing Fung.
San, don't go in!
À notre regretté Liao Xing-bang
Is everything okay?
Voitures Xing Sheng
"Xingcheng Carriage Company"
Zeng Xing!
Tsang Hang
Qi Ming-xing!
Chik Ming Sing, you must understand ;
Je t'invite à 7 heures au Xing Fung, tu y seras?
Yes, what's the matter?

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