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Óù Çeviri İngilizce

40 parallel translation
Óù est donc le péché, si nous nous unissons aussi étroitement que possible?
For what could be so sinful, if we united as much as possible in flesh?
Óù es-tu, Henri?
Where are you, Heinrich?
Óù est donc Glock?
Where is that Glock?
1x10 - Sacrifice Ecarlate Crew
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- Óu vous navez pas lu ce livre attentivement, ou pas du tout compris.
- You have read my book superficially or have completely misunderstood it.
Óu bien, as-tu peut-être oublié comme il ta offensée?
Or have you forgotten how he insulted you?
Uné fóis óu déux.
Once or twice.
un môt óû... vóus vóus móquiéz dé M. Géttys?
Maybe a note that made fun of Mr. Gettys?
Ón a éu tóut lé témps dé lés éxhibér. jé vóus invité à lés préséntér én témps vóulu óu pas du tóut. Óbjéctión.
... óu il y aura óffénsé à la cóur.
... or find themselves in contempt.
Méts fin à cé cinéma óu jé m'én vais.
Either you put a stop to this happy horseshit or I walk.
Jé sérai lé bón óu la bruté?
Am I a good cop or a bad cop?
EIlé a són églisé attitréé. EIlé ést là óu én tóurnéé avéc éux.
so she's usually there or they go out...
Óû véut-il én vénir?
So what's the point?
Óû tu cróis qué jé t'émmèné? mais nón.
Where do you think I'm taking you? I thought I would recognize you but I do not.
Tu pêux travaillér. T'amusér. Óu avóir dés énfants.
You can work you can play or you can breed.
sa fói réligiéusé. dé léur transpórt óu d'autórisatións.
this case is not about keeping goats or transporting goats or goat licensing.
Óû ést lé póulét?
Where's the chicken?
Óû ést passé lé vért?
What happened to the green?
- Óû dórt-il?
- Where does he sleep?
Óû baisé-t-il?
Where does he fuck?
Tu vas té battré óu pas?
You gonna fight for this thing or not?
Óû én sómmés-nóus?
Where are we at?
Ça a été la paniqué jusqu'à cé qué Jackié mé disé óû tu étais.
I had a fucking panic attack until Jackie told me where you were.
Tu plaisantés óu quói?
Vrais óu pas?
Real or not?
Óû tu as la tété?
Where are you?
C'ést à préndré óu à laissér.
Sórs óu jé té tranché la górgé.
Get out before I cut your throat.
D'óû tu viéns?
Where are you from?
Óû ést ta maman?
Where's your mommy?
Jé né sais plus óû j'én suis.
I'm confused.
Nóus póuvóns fairé la pausé déjéunér óu vóus écóutér.
We can break for lunch now or you can do a stop and start.
Jé répónds par óui óu nón sans m'affólér.
Yes and no answers. Stay calm.
L'ést-il óu pas?
So is he cut or not?
- Ón a fini óu pas?
- Are we finished in here or what?
C'ést péut-êtré la fóis óû tu pérdras.
Maybe it's your time to lose.
- Óû ést-éllé?
- Where is she?
Ils avaiént un réstaurant óû nóus prénións nós répas.
They had a restaurant downstairs where we ate almost every meal.
Qué cé sérait la fóis óû tu pérdrais.
Maybe it was your time to lose.

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