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Translate.vc / Fransızca → Rusça / Expected

Expected Çeviri Rusça

6 parallel translation
Then they listened 7 years alone! The'scene'? Was not intense as we expected or we wanted it to be.
На самом деле такого отношения и не было.
Well, my group was in a situation in which we expected that combattesse in a revolutionary against the machine of corporate.
Так, что перед группой стала дилемма от нас ждали подрывной деятельности по отношению к индустрии.
I never expected it to
* Да я и не ожидала этого *
Plus chaud que je ne prévoyais...
Warmer than I expected.
Evidemment, M. Branson est toujours un jeune homme. et on ne peut pas lui demander de rester seul toute sa vie, mais même...
Of course, Mr Branson is stilla young man and he can't be expected to staysingle all his life but even so...
Il se trouve que j'ai guéris exactement comme prévu.
It appears I've healed just as we expected.

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