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Translate.vc / Fransızca → Rusça / Nightmares

Nightmares Çeviri Rusça

7 parallel translation
* On ressort des cauchemars parmi les rêves
* We make nightmares out of dreams
C'est le Hell's Kitchen Nightmares
Это "Адский кухонный кошмар"
♪ Erotic nightmares beyond any measure #
# Erotic nightmares beyond any measure #
♪ Blue Bloods 3x07 ♪ Nightmares Original Air Date on November 9, 2012
"ГОЛУБАЯ КРОВЬ" "Ночные кошмары" Сезон 3, серия 7.
♪ There's only nightmares ahead of us ♪ ♪ And sweet dreams long ago ♪
Перед нами одни лишь кошмары, и прекрасные мечты когда-то давно.
Je suis là pour trouver et tuer le monstre qui cause tous tes cauchemars.
Stewie, hey! I'm here to find and kill the monster that's been causing all your nightmares.
Tu as fais des cauchemars?
Did you have any nightmares?

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