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Translate.vc / Fransızca → Rusça / Threw

Threw Çeviri Rusça

19 parallel translation
Le directeur de prison a donné une soirée
Warden threw a party in the county jail
♪ I threw a wish in a well ♪
* Я загадала желание, бросив монетку в колодец *
Et tu m'as lancé un bout de steak mâché.
And then you threw a bit of chewed steak at me.
- I need - I threw away my pride - To get by
* Нет, не оглядываясь на нас *
Now your mom threw away your best porno mag
* И вот твоя мать выкинула твой лучший порно-журнал *
♪ I threw your stuff into a bag ♪
* Я побросала твои вещи в сумку *
J'ai jeté son corps dans le Potomac. "
I threw his body in the Potomac. "
J'ai envoyé le premier coup de poing.
I threw the first punch.
♪ She threw herself under my wheels ♪
¶ she threw herself under my wheels ¶
Je viens de vomir dans ma bouche.
I just threw up in my mouth.
Il m'a jetée sur le lit...
He threw me on the bed...
Et il a jeté son journal.
And he threw his journal.
Et donc tu as jeté ton journal.
Oh, and then you threw your journal.
Maintenant, si j'organisais une fête, je devrais t'inviter, et c'est ce qui me dérange.
Wow. Now, if I threw a party, I would invite you, and that's what hurts my feelings.
J'ai jeté une bouteille de rhum à travers la vitre d'un Apple Store.
I threw a bottle of rum through the window of the Apple Store.
Les passants criaient : "Sauvez l'enfant!" Il a jeté l'enfant... qui a survécu et est toujours en vie.
He held a child in his arms, his daughter. Passers-by shouted : "Save the child!" He threw the child из его рук, и ребёнок выжил и жив сегодня.
J'ai vu ton clebs.
I cut his throat and threw it in the river.

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