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Translate.vc / Fransızca → Rusça / Watched

Watched Çeviri Rusça

13 parallel translation
Best watched using Open Subtitles MKV Player
"I watched helpless as you turned around to leave"
"I watched helpless as you turned around to leave"
Best watched using Open Subtitles MKV Player
Перевёл antoniolagrande.
Best watched using Open Subtitles MKV Player
Восстановленный перевод : conerama. Переводчики : conerama, webmed, znaika
♪ I watched, I let it burn
* Я смотрела, позволив ей сгореть *
♪ I watched, I let it burn
* Я наблюдала, позволив ей сгореть *
Je ne sais pas, juste sa manière de regarder Tedeschi traiter Adriano avec tant de respect et confiance.
I don't know, just the way he watched Tedeschi treat Adriano with so much respect and trust.
Tu veux regarder le match encore une fois?
Actually, let's do it from the beginning. You want to watch the game we just watched all over again?
J'ai... j'ai lu des trucs et j'en ai regarder.
Like... like, I've... I've read things, I've, uh, watched things.
Je t'ai regardée servir les gens toute la soirée.
I've watched you serve people all night.
♪ Watched o er the child ♪ Beloved and fair
Там святая чета не спит,
Best watched using Open Subtitles MKV Player
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