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Translate.vc / Fransızca → Türkçe / Abused

Abused Çeviri Türkçe

4 parallel translation
# And raped and abused #
# Taciz edildim, çizdiler beni #
♪'Cause if they used us ♪ ♪'Cause if they used us ♪ ♪ And they abused us ♪ ♪ And they abused us ♪
* Çünkü eğer sizi kullandılarsa * * Ve bize kötü davrandılarsa *
"Dîner Avec Mayonnaise." D.A.M
"Pis kaba hobbitler." D.A.H. ( Dirty Abused Hobbits )
♪ And he abused it ♪ ♪ Six ♪
* Suiistimal etmişti * * Altı *

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