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Try Çeviri Türkçe

228 parallel translation
Essayez de l'embrasser
# Try to kiss her #
Mais il semble avoir dit : "Voyez Carraway".
Ama görünüşe göre..... "Troy" veya "Try Carraway" demiş.
- He does not try to humiliate them for their impotence. - Il ne les humilie pas de leur impuissance.
Onları, yetersizlikleri yüzünden aşağılamayacağı gibi...
- Je tâcherai.
- İ'II try, Madame.
You can either give me a kick with your knee... but l'm not going to try that... or you can kick me in the shin, see?
Dizinle vurabilirsin mesela ama bunu şimdi yapma ya da istersen bacağınla da vurabilirsin, anladın mı?
Arrête de pleurer maintenant et essaies de te reposer.
Stop crying now and try to get some rest.
Tu ne me connais pas. J'essaie de toujours paraître calme.
l mean, you don't know me. l try to come off like l'm being cool all the time.
I asked my teacher, what should I try?
# Öğretmenime sorardım, ne yapmayı denesem?
♫ When they try to break you down you can take it ♫
Seni yıkmayı deneyecekler.
Plaignez le sort de la pauvre fille Car elle ne peut garder sa fleur C'est de l'amour le puissant sortilège
"She cannot hope to keep her flower safe " No matter how hard she try " I'm a great wizard, a wizard am I
Buffet froid, colonne "A", Fruits d'été, colonne "B"!
Try some of column'A'Try all of column'B'
Pas de panique, on se calme Souriez, criez salaam
Now try your best to stay calm Brush up your Sunday Salaam
Ici l'inspecteur Don Brodka de la sécurité de Toutorabais.
Ben Don Brodka, Try-N-Save mağazası dedektifi.
Tant mieux. Habille-toi vite et en un clin d'oeil on sera chez Toutorabais.
O zaman hazırlan, Try-N-Save'e gideceğiz.
Chez Toutorabais?
Try-N-Save mi?
Hé, Simpson, regarde un peu ce que j'ai fauché au Toutorabais.
Gerzek aile. Simpson, bak Try-N-Save'den ne arakladım.
Let me try.
Bırak ben deneyeyim.
J'essaye, mais je ne peux pas te cacher mon amour pour toi!
"And if I try, I still" "couldn't hide my love for you"
/ / Johnny said Devil, just come on back if you ever wanna try again / /
/ / Johnnysaid Devil, justcome onback ifyouever wanna tryagain / /
/ / I should try to be strong / /
/ I should try to be strong /
/ / Try to resist Try to hide from my kiss / /
/ / Try toresist / / Try tohide from mykiss / /
/ / You can try to resist / /
You can try to resist
/ / Try to hide from my kiss but you know / /
try to hide from my kiss but you know
/ / You can try to resist / /
/ / Youcan try toresist / /
/ / Try to hide from my kiss / /
/ try to hide from my kiss /
/ / You can try to resist / /
/ You can try to resist /
/ / Try to hide from my kiss / /
/ / Try tohide from mykiss / /
/ / You can try / / / / You can try to resist / /
- / You can try / - / / Youcan try toresist / /
/ / You can try to resist my kiss / /
/ You can try to resist my kiss /
/ / Well, I should try to be strong / /
/ / Well, Ishould try tobestrong / /
/ / I should try to be strong / / / / But, baby, you re the right kind of wrong / /
- / / Ishould try tobestrong / / - / / But, baby, you're theright kindofwrong / /
Don't try to hide
Saklanmaya çalışma
Vous pouvez être un peu plus ouverts?
Would you two please try and be a little open-minded?
Et pour l'amour de Dieu, fais pas le mariolle.
For God's sakes, don't try anything fancy!
On y retourne.
Let's try again.
Tu es très touchant, mais tu ne fais pas confiance aux femmes.
Zorluyken çok çekicisinvery cute when you try so hard. ama kadınlara güvenmiyorsun.
Tu sais, Tyr, beaucoup de gens te croient égoïïste car tu es toujours dans ton coin en train de lire ou de t'entraîner.
Biliyor musun Try, çoğu kişi senin bencil olduğunu düşünüyor. Çünkü her zaman okuyorsun, ağırlık kaldırıyorsun ve idman yapıyorsun.
Tu es un homme éclectique :
Sen tam bir Rönesans adamısın Try.
Salut Tyr. Bonjour Beka.
Merhaba Try, Selam Beka.
Essaie d'en rater une, pour voir.
Just try missing one once.
Essaye sans le starter.
Try starting it without the choke. ( Boğma olmadan başlamayı dene )
Just give us one more try...
# Bizim için daha çok çabala... #
Fais pas semblant de pas comprendre
Don't try to act Iike you don't feeI a nigga
* Then try to keep her * * by my side *
Onu yanımda... tutmak yerine.
Try and stick me, l'm a let off a full clip
Kolaysa üstüme gel Tabancam dolu, gösteririm
"We're still worth one more try" ( On doit se laisser une autre chance )
# We're still worth one more try #
I arrived to the point that... dovermi look... in the mirror and try to understand cos'? that sees people.
Öyle bir noktaya geldim ki, kendime bakmam ve diğerlerinin ne gördüğünü anlamam gerekiyordu.
Essaie de lui demander.
Try and ask her.
[I dont have to try...]
# Denememe bile gerek yok #
"l'm ready to hold my heart open wide" "I can t promise forever" "But, baby, l'll try"
d Sonsuza kadar süreceğine söz veremem d Ama bebeğim deneyeceğim d Bu gece d Aşık olmaya hazırım
"Mais des purs nazes font tout" Pour me casser mon coup.
? Playa haters try to dis me? ?

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