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Wore Çeviri Türkçe

12 parallel translation
Mes cheveux comme ceux de Jésus Alléluia, j'adore
My hair like Jesus wore it Hallelujah, l adore it
Puis la magie de l'acte politique s'est estompée et j'étais juste lesbienne.
Then the statement mojo wore off and l was just gay.
Oui, quelqu'un m'a lessivé!
Yeah, well, somebody wore me out. Evet, şey, birisi beni yordu
Il le dit à Joanne Dru dans "She wore a yellow ribbon *". [ * Film avec John Wayne de 1949 appelé "La charge héroïque" en France ]
Sarı Eşarplı Kız filminde bu lafı Joanne Dru'ya söylemişti.
M. Ward?
Bay Wore
- I remember when you wore glasses.
Ben senin gözlük taktigin zamani hatirliyorum.
On assiste à "l'amour, la perte et ce que je portais".
"Love, Loss, and What I Wore." u izlemeye gideceğiz.
Mais c'était vraiment fort - - vraiment... tu vois?
The band wore leather, and the boys were lookin'so pretty Ama oldukça güçlüydü oldukça... - Gördün mü?
[ "The band wore leather, and the boys were lookin'so pretty" ]
It's a good thing to say, " Hey, boys, you're gonna go far
♪ he wore a diamond
* Elmas takıyordu *
Désolé, pas de timbales en argent.
... "She Wore a Yellow Ribbon" da önce iyiliksever bir baba figürüne dönüşür.

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