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Would Çeviri Türkçe

383 parallel translation
Car comme nous le disons nous les magiciens
# For as we magicians would say #
Plus rien ne nous ferait peur.
Nothing would ever frighten us again.
- Would you like to rewrite it, Jerry?
İstersen yeniden yaz Jerry.
- Paul, I found a book of Roman paintings. I thought it would help with "The Odyssey".
Paul, içinde Roma dönemi resimleri bulunan bir kitap buldum.Odyssey'de işimize yarayabilir.
We would be delighted to see you again.
Yine görüşmek üzere.
- How would l know?
- Ben nereden bileyim?
Et que si elle venait avec moi Je la prendrais pour femme
# And if she would come with me # # I soon would make her mine #
Some you grace with fortune, Others you would duck.
Kimilerini edersin vezir, kimilerini rezil.
- D'accord. J'arrive tout de suite. " "JOHNNY WOULD SERENADE ALICE" "
Tamam, birazdan geliyorum.
Qui devait l'épouser
" Swore he would win the maid
# And the old man with the money would flash you a smile #
# Paralı yaşlı adamlar gülerdi yüzünüze #
# In the dark of an alley you would work for a five #
# Bir çıkmaz yolun karanlığında çalışırdınız beş papele #
# Would dribble and vomit #
# İşerler ve kusarlardı #
# And the coppers would come along #
# Polisler belirirdi #
Comme j'aimerais voir ça.
evlat, would I sing to see that really happen.
Ne l'approcherait À moins de trois mètres
# Would touch him with a ten-foot pole #
C'est un conte de fées, Would!
Vegas Vinnie sadece bir masal, Would.
J'ai même des amies qui veulent être Holli Would, plus tard.
Büyüyünce Holli Would olmak isteyen tipler tanıyorum. Evet.
Oui, Mlle Holli "Wouldrait" si elle pouvait!
Bayan Holli Would-yakala-tut. O hatun.
- C'était Holli Would.
- Holli Would'tu.
Me gonfle pas, Would!
Kafamı attırma, Would.
- Holli Would.
- Holli Would.
Holli Would!
Holli Would?
Non monsieur. Je vous aurais réveillé, monsieur, si...
I would have wakened you, sir, if...
Mais je dois admettre que ces ordres seraient plus faciles à suivre... Si les Yankees avaient montré de la charité quand ils étaient en Virginie.
But I must admit those orders would be easier to follow had the Yankees showed charity when they were in Virginia.
Presque sévère, je dirais.
Almost dour, one would have to suggest.
Voulez-vous me voir déplacer toute l'armée sur le côté afin que vous puissiez passer devant?
Would you like me to move the whole army to the side so you can go first?
Général Ewell, j'avais espéré qu'après avoir traversé la ville... Vous auriez pris cette colline.
General Ewell, I had hoped that after moving through the town you would've taken that hill.
Je pense que ce serait très coûteux en hommes.
I think it would be very costly.
J'aurais passé ma vie dans la médiocrité à rêver de ce que ça aurait pu être.
I would have spent my life a mediocre man, only dreaming about what might have been.
- Qu'en savez-vous?
- How would you know?
C'est lui qui devait m'attendre.
He would wait for me.
En plus, ta peau ne ferait pas un bon papier.
Moreover, your skin would not make a good paper.
Vous savez ce qu'est la télépathie. Je pensais... Je n'établirais jamais une connexion sans votre assentiment.
I assumed since you knew of our telepathic abilities... l-I never would have dreamed of making a connection without your consent.
"We would rather have died than reveaI our secret, oh my love"
Sırrımız ortaya çıkacağına ölsek daha iyi, sevgim.
? I would, my friend, Fernando?
# Yapardım, arkadaşım, Fernando. #
Ta face cachée aimerait-elle... danser?
Would the whole otherperson like to dance?
Les détails... c'est qu'une fois qu'ils se sont vidés, je démoule une grosse merde.
Too much information would be telling you that after they're done I take a huge dump.
merci, mlle Peters. D'autres voudraient partager leur poème avec la classe?
So who would like to share their poem with the class?
Vous pouvez être un peu plus ouverts?
Would you two please try and be a little open-minded?
Enfin, tu lui taillerais une pipe?
I mean, would you give him head?
But it would certainly surprise me.
Harika oldugunu söylüyor ama, pek inanmiyorum.
Where would such a scurvy ship s boy steal such a blade?
Bu aşağıIık gemi yamağı böyle bir bıçağı nerden bulmuş?
Elmyr est libre pour 2 raisons :
Bu konuda açılacak bir mahkeme, sanat dünyasına öyle bir açıklık getirir ki A court case would bring such publicity upon the art world... buna karşı çıkacak her sanat simsarı otomatikman şüpheli durumuna düşer. Bugün hapiste olmamasının başlıca iki sebebi var : Birincisi ;
I don t suppose you would remember me
Al şu çantaları.
"lls levèrent le voile qui aveuglait Takar."
"Just as the seer said they would, they lifted Takar's blinding hood."
Et reprène le business de la famille
- l'd hoped Scott would look upto me
M'aurait rendu mon amour m'aurait fait pleurer
- Scott would think l was a cool guy
I knew that I would... " C'est marrant.
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