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Bellamy Çeviri İngilizce

568 parallel translation
Parece-se com esse do cinema, o Ralph Bellamy.
- He looks like Ralph Bellamy. - Oh, him?
Tenho de a dar à Menina Bellamy, para que ela envie os convites.
I have to give it to Miss Bellamy in the office to get the order in for invitations and announcements.
Obrigado, Menina Bellamy.
Thank you, Miss Bellamy.
É assim desde que o Curtis me tramou, com o assalto no BeIIamy.
Kept on me Jack Jones ever since Nobby Curtis got me done... - For that job at Bellamy's.
- BeIIamy em BromIey?
- Bellamy's in Bromley? That's right.
O sr. Bellamy está à sua espera.
Mr. Bellamy here's been waiting.
Ouça, Bellamy, grandalhão... suba e me ajude, sim?
Hey, Bellamy! You big horse! Come on up here and give me a hand, will you?
Desculpe, Bellamy.
Srª Bellamy?
Mrs. Bellamy?
Bellamy chamando Kelly!
This is Bellamy for Kelly!
Bellamy, anda!
Bellamy, come on!
Jerry Bellamy.
Jerry Bellamy.
- Pronta para o Acto Dois, Menina Bellamy?
- Ready for Act 2, Miss Bellamy.
Estão a assistir ao nosso filme de Halloween, "White Zombie" com Bela Lugosi, John Harron, Madge Bellamy, e um monte de gente que nunca ouvi falar.
You're watching our Halloween movie, White Zombie, starring Bela Lugosi, John Harron, Madge Bellamy and a bunch of other people I've never heard of.
Eu sou a June Bellamy.
I'm June Bellamy.
Uma pergunta para Miss Bellamy.
Question for Miss Bellamy.
Olá, Mrs. Bellamy.
Hi, Mrs. Bellamy.
Sim, Mrs. Bellamy.
Yes, Mrs. Bellamy.
Por falar em morte, a octogenária Myrna Bellamy foi assassinada ontem à noite.
Speaking of death, octogenarian Myrna Bellamy was brutally murdered last night.
O colar da Mrs. Bellamy.
Mrs. Bellamy's necklace!
Homer e Marge Simpson, vocês estão presos pelo homicídio da Myrna Bellamy.
Homer and Marge Simpson, you're under arrest for the murder of Myrna Bellamy.
Mrs. Bellamy?
Mrs. Bellamy?
Nunca houve uma Mrs. Bellamy.
There never was a Mrs. Bellamy.
Lady Jane Bellamy, siga-me.
Lady Jane Bellamy, follow me.
George, conheces a Donzela Jane Bellamy?
George, do you know Lady Jane Bellamy?
Jane Bellamy.
Jane Bellamy.
Ele era um óptimo actor dos velhos tempos. Ele fez Jejum de Amor, com Gary Grant e Rosalind Russell.
Now, Ralph Bellamy was this great old-time actor- - he was in His Girl Friday with Cary Grant and Rosalind Russell.
Porque eu caço sozinho... ou com o Jack Bellamy quando ele não tinha a flébite.
Because I hunt alone... or with jack bellamy when he doesn't have phlebitis.
Posso ver o inspector Bellamy?
May I speak to Inspector Bellamy, please?
Paul Bellamy.
Paul Bellamy.
O inspector Bellamy sabe tudo.
Inspector Bellamy sees all.
Vê tudo Bellamy.
Bellamy sees all.
Inspector Bellamy, sou eu.
Yes? Inspector Bellamy, it's me.
Sou Paul Bellamy, inspector de polícia.
Hello, madam. I'm Paul Bellamy, police inspector.
Não é Bellamy, não é o seu irmão.
Lebas, not Bellamy. He's no brother.
Sim, sou a Sra. Bellamy.
Yes, this is Mrs. Bellamy.
Bellamy Blake.
Bellamy Blake.
Bellamy Blake, um zelador da estação fábrica.
Bellamy blake, A janitor from factory station.
Guarda a arma, Bellamy.
Put the gun away, Bellamy.
Bellamy, arma!
Bellamy, gun!
Sra. Bellamy, não é?
Mrs. Bellamy, is it?
Como já lhe tinha dito, deixo-a em muito boas mãos Sra. Bellamy.
As I said before, I'm leaving you in very good hands, Mrs. Bellamy.
Bellamy Negro.
Black Bellamy.
Isso mesmo, o Bellamy Negro vai ser o Pirata do Ano.
That's right, Black Bellamy is gonna be Pirate of the Year.
Olá, Bellamy.
Hello, Bellamy.
É mais pirata do que o Bellamy Negro ou qualquer um deles.
You're more of a pirate than Black Bellamy or any of them.
Ralph Bellamy faz o médico.
Ralph Bellamy plays the doctor.
Eu amo-te, Bellamy.
I love you, Bellamy.
♪ I guess that's love ♪ Bellamy!

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