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Bess Çeviri İngilizce

468 parallel translation
Cala-te, Bess.
Be still, Bess.
Bess, sabes onde estäo os homens dele, näo sabes?
Bess, you know where his men may be found, don't you?
Bess, por favor, diz-me!
Oh, Bess, please tell me!
- Cala-te, Bess.
- Keep quiet, Bess.
Bess, deixa-nos a sós.
Bess, will you leave us?
Bess, onde ia Dickon procurar o Rei Ricardo?
Bess, where was Dickon supposed to find King Richard?
Bess, Dolly.
TED : Bess, Dolly.
Navega com o Lady Bess.
There's no ship for you,
Nós o Temerário e o Lady Bess.
- We will. My ships, the Reckless and the Lady Bess... are waiting for me in Maracaibo now.
Mas acêrca de "Porgy and Bess", eu estava enganado.
But about Porgy and Bess, I was wrong.
Que crítico disse, que "Porgy and Bess" era demasiado elitista?
What critic said Porgy and Bess was too highbrow?
Boa. Harry e Bess Truman conseguiram a última mesa.
Harry and Bess Truman got the last table.
Se tivesses visto, Bess.
Oh, if you could have seen it, Bess.
És o único ser humano com quem posso falar, Bess.
You're the only human mortal I can go to, Bess.
Aproxime-se, Bess.
Come hither, Bess.
A nossa prenda de casamento da riquíssima Tia Bess.
Our wedding present from my devoted and very rich Aunt Bess.
Sirva o Jake na melhor porcelana o jogo que ele e a Bess nos deram de aniversário.
You make sure Jake eats off the good china - the set him and Bess give us for our anniversary.
Parece que foi ontem que você e a Bess estavam aqui, comendo.
Seems like just the other day that you and Bess was sitting here, eating.
Sou a Cutie Bess.
I'm Cutie Bess.
Bubber, sou a Cutie Bess.
Bubber, I'm Cutie Bess.
B de Bess e barco.
- For "Peter"? - "B" for "Bess" and "boy."
Capitão Fortesque e o seu potro, Black Bess.
Captain Fortesque and his pony, Black Bess.
Meu ossudo Black Bess
My bonny Black Bess
Bom dia, Bess.
'Morning, Bess.
- Então larga do meu pé...
Knock it off, Bess.
Traga mais duas cervejas e ponha na minha conta.
Uh, Bess, uh, give us two of the same, and put it on my account, love. Yes, sir, Mr. Frame.
Ei, como está a Bess?
Hey, how is Bess?
Sabes como a Bess fica paranóica se o jantar começa depois das 8 na noite antes de ir filmar.
You know how paranoid Bess gets if dinner starts after 8 the night before she's shooting.
Para o que pensámos fazer, precisamos de mais material.
How about we get Bess in foal? Pick up some more brood mares?
Onde está a Bassy?
Where's Bess?
Pelo menos nada mudou aqui.
At least nothing changes up here. I saw Bess again with the brumbies.
Viste "Porgy and Bess"?
You seen "Porgy And Bess"?
Estou muito feliz, Bess.
I'm very happy, Bess.
A Bess sugeriu que contássemos ao National Enquirer.
Bess said we should take it to The NationaIEnquirer.
A outra foi legalmente roubada pela Best Myerson.
The other was allegedly purchased by bess myerson.
Oh, Bess!
- E a Bess?
- How about Bess?
Bess, fica-te a matar.
Bess, that's naughty.
Oh, Bess!
Oh, Bess?
Primeiro, a Bess. E a seguir, adivinha quem?
First Bess, and then guess what?
- Percebeu, Bess?
- Got that, Bess?
O meu computador não funciona.
Bess, my computer's down.
- Senhor.
Sail the Lady Bess.
Bess, não!
Oh, Bessie, no.
Venham ver o Capitão Fortesque...
Come and see Captain Fortesque as the infamous Dick Turpin, on his famous pony, Black Bess.
- Bess?
Bess, whoa.
Onde está a égua Bassy?
How's that mare Bess?
- A Bess Riddle vivia do coq au vin.
- Bess Riddle lived on coq au vin.

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