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Darren Çeviri İngilizce

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Entregue sua 22mm para Russell, Darren.
Give your. 22 to Russell, Darren.
- Certo. - Darren?
I'll take this position here.
Isto não sabemos, Darren. Mas o teu pai fez a coisa certa.
There's no way to know, Darren, but your father did the right thing.
Está assinado pelo Darren Wells.
It's signed by Darren Wells.
Para que ela assinasse uma bota Stiletto para a Harriet, como retaliação por ela lhe ter dado um taco com o número telefone do Darren Wells.
To get her to sign a stiletto boot for Harriet as retaliation for Harriet giving him a baseball bat with Darren Wells'phone number on it.
A Suzanne contou à Martha sobre o Matt e a Harriet, Darren Wells e as Bombshell Babies.
Suzanne told Martha about Matt and Harriet and Darren Wells and the Bombshell Babies.
O Darren Wells vai ter comigo à festa.
Darren Wells is meeting me at the wrap party.
Darren Lamb, agente.
Darren Lamb, agent.
Darren Lamb, agente do actor Andy Millman,... estrela da Sitcom Quando o Vento sopra.
Darren Lamb, agent to the TV actor Andy Millman, - star of the sitcom When The Wind Blows.
- Está assinado pelo Darren Wells.
It's signed by Darren Wells.
- "O teu grande sucesso. Darren Wells".
" You're a big hit.Darren Wells.
Eu não sabia que o Darren tinha escrito o telefone no taco.
I didn't know that Darren had written his phone number on the bat.
- Talvez a razão de eu e o Darren Wells nos darmos tão bem é o facto de ele gostar de falar tanto quanto de ouvir.
You know, maybe the reason Darren Wells and I get along so well is that he likes to both talk and listen.
- Estás a usar metáforas de basebol por causa do Darren Wells?
Are you using a baseball metaphor'cause it's Darren Wells?
A Harriet deu-me um taco assinado pelo Darren Wells.
Harry gave me a bat signed to her by Darren Wells.
Sim, é assinado pelo Darren Wells.
Yeah, it's signed by Darren Wells.
Ouve, reconhecerias o Darren Wells se o visses?
Listen, would you recognize Darren Wells if you saw him?
O Darren vem à festa e... o Danny está a tentar juntar o Matt com as empregadas. Estamos de volta ao normal.
Darren's coming to the party and Danny's trying to fix Matt up with cocktail waitresses, so we're back to normal.
O que sentes pelo Darren?
How do you feel about Darren?
O Darren é o anti-Matt.
Darren is the anti-Matt.
Pessoal, acho que é o Darren Wells ali em baixo.
You guys, I think that's Darren Wells down there.
- O Darren Wells, sim.
Darren Wells, yeah.
O Darren e eu?
Darren and me? Yeah.
- Eu sou o Darren Wells.
- I'm Darren Wells.
Para o ano vou para a escola com o Darren Hornig?
Yeah, buddy. Am I going to school with Darrin Hornig next year?
- Darren Lamb.
Darren Lamb
Puxa, Darren - E a minha cabeça, espertalhão?
Just pull, Darren What about my head, brainiac!
Darren Lamb.
Hello there, Darren Lamb.
Andy, o Darren está lá fora.
Andy, I've just seen Darren up there
Darren, que estás a fazer?
Darren, what you doing? It's quarter past two.
O Darren era um inútil mas sabia onde o encontrar.
Honestly, he's worst than Darren, he was useless but at least, I knew where he was
Foi tirado de um orfanato aos 4 anos pelo multimilionário criador de campeões, Darren MacElroy.
He was plucked from an orphanage at age four by billionaire champion-maker, Darren MacElroy.
Darren virou a sua atenção para a educação de órfãos humanos atleticamente dotados.
Darren had turned his attention to nurturing athletically advanced human orphans.
- Qual era o nome do mais velho, Darren?
- What was that oldest one's name, Darren?
Daniela Darren agora.
Daniela Darren now. Nice to meet you.
- Este é o meu parceiro Darren Harris.
This is my partner, Darrin Harris.
Marty Pappas, Darren Harris, Jim Vargas.
Marty Pappas, Darrin Harris, Jim Vargas.
Tu e o Darren?
You and Darren?
E que porra fazias no quarto dele, Darren?
And what the fuck were you doing in his room, anyway, Darren?
Viu o Darren ou a Nicky?
Have you seen Darren or Nicky?
Eu conheço-te, Darren.
I know you, Darren.
Ela está aqui, Darren. - Que é isso?
She's out here, Darren.
Darren, espera!
Darren, wait!
- Darren!
- Darren!
- Darren, pára!
- Darren, stop it!
- Darren, acalma-te!
- Darren, calm down!
Darren, ouve, sei que o que aconteceu entre nós te assusta.
Darren, look, I know what happened between us scares you.
- Sim.
- Darren.
- Darren.
Darren, I'm Matt Albie, I'm a big fan.
Sim, porque Daniela Darren disse,
Yes, because Daniela Darren said,

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